
Pericoronaritis - an inflammation of the gingival hood covering the incised tooth.

Etiology: mixed oral microflora, trauma. Pathogenesis. It develops as a complication in the eruption of the tooth, mainly the tooth of wisdom, and with its dystopia.

Symptoms: pain in the jaw and submaxillary region; Swallowing painfully, opening the mouth is difficult. The mucous membrane is hyperemic, edematic, the body temperature rises to 37-38 g. C. The flow is protracted, relapsing. Complicated by osteomyelitis, abscesses of the retro-molar area, phlegmon. On the roentgenogram, a partially cut tooth is seen, sometimes in an abnormal position.

Treatment. Excision of the hood of the mucosa; With relapse-removal of the tooth. Complications (abscess, phlegmon) require appropriate treatment. The disease can be relapsed for a long time. It leads to temporary disability. Often, the cure comes only after the extraction of the tooth.