Hyperlipemia essential

Hyperlipemia essential (hepatosplenomegalic lipoidosis) is a group of hereditary enzymopathies, characterized by impaired fat metabolism.

Etiology, pathogenesis: a decrease in the activity of lipoprotein lipase (triglycerides), deficiency of protein acceptors of fatty acids, weakening of chylomicron cleavage, the presence of inhibitors, and a lack of plasma cofactors.

Symptoms, course. In typical cases - development of xanthom, rapidly progressing atheromatosis, enlargement of the liver, spleen, possible abdominal pain, symptoms of diabetes. There are 5 types of the disease. Type 1 is characterized by hyperchylomicronemia, hyper triglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia; Type II A-hyper-beta-lipoproteinemia, hypercholesterolemia with minor hypertriglyceridemia; II B - high hyper-beta-lipoproteinemia and hypertriglyceridemia; Type III - hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia; IV-hyper-prebeta-proteidemia and hypertriglyceridemia; Type V-mixed, manifested hyperhilomicronemia, hyper-glyceridemia, hyper-prebeta-lipoproteinemia and hypercholesterolemia. At the heart of the diagnosis is a thorough biochemical study of the components of lipid metabolism. The prognosis is relatively favorable, but complications accompanying atherosclerosis are not uncommon.

Treatment. Diet with the restriction of caloric content of food, fats, and for types III and IV of the disease - and carbohydrates; Therapeutic physical training, drugs that reduce the cholesterol in the blood (Miscleron, polisponin, linetol, etc.).