Postgepatitny syndrome

Postgepatitny Syndrome (hyperbilirubinemia postgepatitnaya, jaundice postgepatitnaya) -simptomokompleks, characterized by a residual mild hyperbilirubinemia, with her high blood predominantly indirect (free) bilirubin is detected in some patients with acute (usually viral) hepatitis, without evidence of other functional and morphological changes liver. Patients sometimes marked general weakness, fatigue, light dyspeptic symptoms. The liver is usually of normal size or slightly enlarged, soft, painless.

Over the past few weeks or months, there was a complete regression of symptoms.

Treatment. Patients in the hospital treatment is not needed. Diet: elimination of acute and fatty foods, alcohol. Recommended light cholagogue (extract of corn stigmas, Essentuki mineral water type) courses vitamin therapy. Thermal and electrical procedures in the area of ​​the liver is not recommended. Employability of patients saved, but you need to limit physical and nervous overload.