Anomalies of the urinary system

Anomalies of the urinary system are the most frequent of all congenital malformations; Their meaning is different. Some cause intrauterine death of the fetus or death in early childhood, others do not cause any noticeable violations of the function of the urinary system and are detected by chance. Part of the anomalies is characterized by slow progression and can clinically manifest only in the elderly. Some abnormalities of the urinary system may be predisposing factors for the onset of nephrolithiasis, chronic pyelonephritis, and hypertension.

Among the established reasons for the formation of anomalies are hereditary factors, certain diseases of the mother (for example, rubella in the first months of pregnancy), ionizing effects, syphilis, alcoholism, hormonal contraceptive use, etc. If an abnormality of the urinary system is detected, a thorough examination of all members of the patient's family is necessary.

Distinguish the following groups of anomalies of the urinary system: anomalies of the number of kidneys - bilateral agenesis, unilateral agenesis (single kidney), double kidney; Abnormality of the kidney position-homolateral dystopia (the lowered kidney is on its side), heterolateral - cross-dystopia (displacement of the kidney to the opposite side); Anomalies of the location of the kidneys (fused kidneys) - horseshoe, galeobraznaya, S-shaped, L-shaped kidney, anomalies in the size and structure of the kidneys - aplasia, hypoplasia; Polycystic kidney; Abnormalities of the renal pelvis and ureters - cysts, diverticula, bifurcation of the pelvis, number anomalies, caliber, shape, position of the ureters.