Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils

Hypertrophy of palatine tonsils is often combined with adenoids. It occurs more often in childhood as a manifestation of hypertrophy of the lymphadenoid tissue of the pharynx. With age, hypertrophied tonsils can be reversed.

Symptoms, course. The disease manifests itself by disturbances in breathing, speech and food passage. As a result of the presence of a mechanical obstacle, reflex cough can occur at night, especially in children. These children are hard to tolerate scarlet fever, diphtheria. With pharyngoscopy, the palatine tonsils are sharply enlarged, pale pink, soft when pressed with a spatula, protrude from the palatine arches during vomiting, touching close the entrance to the pharynx. It is characteristic that inflammatory phenomena in such tonsils in children, as a rule, do not.

Treatment. Rinses with alkaline or astringent agents, lubrication with iodoglycerol; General restorative treatment - vitamin therapy, climatic treatment (stay in the mountains or on the beach). If the conservative treatment is ineffective and there are no contraindications, tonsillotomy is produced (partial removal of palatine tonsils)