
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Can be acute and chronic.

Laryngitis acute is rarely isolated. More often it is one of the manifestations of acute respiratory disease, influenza, scarlet fever, whooping cough, etc. Its development is promoted by general and local hypothermia, voice overload, inhalation of dusty air, irritating vapors and gases, inaccuracies in nutrition, smoking, and alcohol abuse.

Symptoms, course. Feeling of dryness, perspiration, soreness, scratching in the throat; Cough at first dry, and later accompanied by sputum discharge; The voice becomes hoarse, raspy or completely silent; Sometimes pain when swallowing, headache and a slight increase in temperature. The duration of the disease usually does not exceed 7-10 days. Under adverse conditions, it can become subacute or chronic. With laryngoscopy, spilled hyperemia and swelling of the laryngeal mucosa are noted. The vocal folds are thickened, hyperemic, they have lumps of viscous sputum, they do not completely join the phonation. When the flu can be hemorrhages in the mucous membrane (the so-called hemorrhagic pharyngitis). If pathological changes are observed only on one side of the larynx and laryngitis took a prolonged course, it is necessary to exclude tuberculosis, syphilitic damage, and neoplasm.

Treatment. Elimination of the causes of the disease. For complete rest of the larynx within 5-7 days, the patient is advised not to talk. Prohibit smoking, drinking alcohol. It is also necessary to exclude spicy seasonings, spices. Warm drinking (milk, borzoi), gargling with chamomile or sage broth, warm alkaline inhalations, inhalation of antibiotic aerosols, warmth on the neck (bandage or warming compress), hot foot baths (42-45 "C for 20-30 min) are useful. When coughing, codeine, ipecacuanu is prescribed, physiotherapeutic methods are also used: solux on the front surface of the neck, ultraviolet irradiation, Novocain electrophoresis on the larynx, UHF and microwave therapy.

Laryngitis acute lining, laryngitis stenosing (false groats), see the chapter "Childhood Illnesses".