
Laryngospasm. More common in early childhood, with rickets, spazmofilii, hydrocephalus, or as a result of artificial feeding, and so on. D. And due to the increased reflex excitability of the neuromuscular apparatus of the larynx. Adults may be the result of a reflex irritation of the throat foreign body inhalation of irritant gases.

Symptoms within. Children - periodic bouts of spasmodic closure of the glottis with long noisy breath, cyanosis, twitching limbs, pupillary constriction, sometimes with apnea rarely loss of consciousness. An attack usually lasts a few seconds and breathing is restored. In adults, the attack of laryngospasm and of short duration and accompanied by a strong cough, flushing of the face, and then cyanosis.

Treatment. Removing the cause of the disease. During the attack irritate the mucous membrane (tickle in the nose, give to smell ammonia) and skin (spray face with cold water, prick, pinch). Intubation or tracheostomy is used very rarely. In between attacks carried out restorative treatment (walking outdoors, a vitamin, particularly indicated vitamin D). Children are prone to laryngospasm and on artificial feeding, it should be possible to provide donor milk.