Chronic catarrhal (simple) cold

Chronic catarrhal (simple) cold . Causes: prolonged or recurring acute rhinitis; Prolonged exposure to various stimuli - chemical, thermal, mechanical; Irritation of the nasal mucosa with purulent secretion in diseases of the paranasal sinuses; Prolonged blood circulation disorder in the nasal mucosa (heart defects, myocarditis, nephritis, emphysema, bronchiectasis, endocrine diseases).

Symptoms, course. Periodic nasal congestion and abundant mucous discharge. With rinoscopy, diffuse congestive hyperemia and uniform swelling of the mucous membrane are seen. Patients indicate that the left half of the nose is laid with the position on the left side, the right one on the right, the nasal breathing is difficult in the supine position. The general condition usually does not suffer. Complete disappearance of edema of the nasal mucosa after instillation of 2-3% cocaine solution with adrenaline or 0.1% naphthysin solution indicates a chronic (simple) runny nose. If the puffiness does not disappear after the instillation of vasoconstrictors, we should talk about a chronic hypertrophic rhinitis.

Treatment. Drops in the nose (sanorin, galazoline, naphthysine, etc.). Also used are agents that have astringent or cauterizing action: 2-3% solution of collargol or protargol, lubrication of the nasal mucosa with a 2-5% solution of silver nitrate. If this treatment is ineffective, the inferior nasal concha cauterize with trichloroacetic or chromic acid or perform shallow galvanocaustic.