Exudative otitis media

Exudative otitis media (otitis catarrhal, otitis secretory, otitis serous, etc.). It arises as a result of a long disturbance in the drainage and ventilation function of the auditory tube in acute and chronic diseases of the nose, paranasal sinuses and pharynx, with influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, allergies, irrational use of antibiotics in the treatment of acute otitis media. The drum cavity in these cases contains exudate, which in the acute stage of the disease is liquid, in the chronic stage it is viscous, dense.

Symptoms, course. Hearing loss by the type of disturbance of the function of the sound-transmitting apparatus, the sense of the stuffed (tm) of the ear, the transfusion of the liquid in it. Otoscopically, the tympanic membrane is turbid, retracted, its recognition points are smoothed. Often, the level of fluid that remains constant when the patient's head is tilted forward or back is visible.

Treatment. In the acute stage, conservative antibacterial therapy, multivitamins, desensitizing therapy (according to indications), vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, warming compresses on the ear, solux, UHF currents and microwave therapy on the ear area, endaural electrophoresis of lidase or chymotrypsin, ear blowing. In the absence of effect, a tympanopuncture is produced in the posterior quadrant of the tympanic membrane with suction of the exudate. In the chronic stage, to prevent adhesive middle otitis media, it is important to achieve the restoration of the permeability of the auditory tube, for this purpose, when the ear is blown through the catheter, hydrocortisone is introduced into it. If this is not possible to restore the patency of the tube, then conduct a long drainage of the tympanum through a specially manufactured (more often from Teflon) shunt (in the form of a coil), which is inserted into the paracentesis orifice and left up to 1 -2 months (sometimes longer, at the doctor's discretion ). The presence of a shunt allows sucking out exudate (a special tip under the increase), injecting into the middle ear a solution of antibiotics and hydrocortisone. It is necessary to achieve penetration of these drugs through the auditory tube into the nasopharynx (this will be noted by the patient himself). Such introduction of medications in the middle ear is carried out until the otoscopic picture is normalized and the pathological process in the auditory tube is eliminated. According to the indications it is necessary to sanitize the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses and pharynx