Adhesive (adhesive) otitis media

Adhesive (adherent) otitis media occurs more often after acute or chronic purulent inflammation of the middle ear. Irrational use of antibiotics for acute catarrhal (non-perforative) average otitis also leads to the formation of adhesions in the tympanum. Adhesive otitis can develop without prior inflammation of the middle ear as a result of various pathological processes in the nasopharynx and auditory tube, which permanently interfere with the ventilation of the tympanic cavity. With the perforation of the tympanic membrane, they say "dry perforated otitis."

Symptoms, course. The main symptom is hearing loss by the type of disorder of the function of the sound-conducting apparatus. Often there is a noise in the ears. With otoscopy - a thin, scar-modified eardrum with sites of lime deposition. The mobility of the membrane and the patency of the auditory tube are disturbed.

Treatment is initially conservative: blowing the ears, pneumo- and vibromassage, introducing into the tympanic cavity of proteolytic enzymes (lidase, chymotrypsin), diathermy on the ears, mud therapy. These methods, as a rule, give only a temporary effect, in connection with which surgical treatment is applied - stapedoplasty, tympanoplasty.