
Barotrauma . Damage to the middle ear as a result of sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. Occurs during an explosion, work in caissons, pilots and divers. When the atmospheric pressure rises, if it does not timely align in the middle ear through the auditory tube, the eardrum retracts, and when it falls, it protrushes. Sharp changes in atmospheric pressure are transmitted through the tympanic membrane and the chain of auditory ossicles to the inner ear and adversely affect its function. Barotrauma can be accompanied by even a rupture of the tympanic membrane.

Symptoms, course. At the moment of barotrauma, a sharp "punch" in the ear and severe pain are felt. There is a decrease in hearing, sometimes dizziness, noise and ringing in the ears. When rupture of the tympanic membrane - bleeding from the external auditory canal. With otoscopy, you can see hyperemia, a bleeding in the tympanic membrane, sometimes its rupture. With a hemorrhage into the tympanum through the whole tympanic membrane, one can see a characteristic dark blue translucence.

Treatment. If there is no rupture of the tympanic membrane, then a lump of sterile cotton wool is injected into the external auditory canal. If the membrane is broken, you should gently inject sulfonamide powder or antibiotics, apply a sterile bandage to the ear. If the inner ear is damaged, the treatment is the same as for cochlear neuritis.