Pharyngitis chronic

Pharyngitis is chronic . There are atrophic, catarrhal and hypertrophic forms. It develops from acute pharyngitis, if long does not eliminate irritants, acting on the mucous membrane of the pharynx. Contribute to the occurrence of chronic pharyngitis, runny nose, tonsillitis, purulent inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, dental caries, metabolic disorders, heart disease, lungs, kidneys and DD.

Pharyngitis is a chronic atrophic, usually combined with atrophy of the nasal mucosa (see Atrophic rhinitis).

Symptoms. Sensation of dryness, perspiration, scraping in the throat, often dry cough, fast voice fatigue. With pharyngoscopy, the mucous membrane of the posterior pharynx wall looks dry, thinned, pale, shiny, as if covered with a thin layer of lacquer; Often it is covered with mucus, drying in the form of crusts.

Treatment is symptomatic: rinsing with alkaline solutions, oily and alkaline inhalations, lubrication of the mucous membrane with Lugol solution in glycerin. Inside, vitamin A, 3% solution of potassium iodide.

Pharyngitis is chronic catarrhal and hypertrophic. Symptoms. Feeling of perspiration, sore throat, foreign body in the throat, mild pain when swallowing, accumulation of a large amount of viscous mucous discharge in the throat, especially with hypertrophic pharyngitis, which causes a constant need to cough and expectorate. Coughing is especially strong in the morning, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With pharyngoscopy: thickening and diffuse hyperemia of the pharyngeal mucosa; Viscous mucous or mucopurulent secret on it; Enlarged individual groups of follicles. The soft palate and tongue are edematous and thickened. With hypertrophic form of pharyngitis, these symptoms are more pronounced. The accumulation and enlargement of the lymphoid tissue of the posterior pharyngeal wall, the so-called granules, is referred to as "granulosa pharyngitis," and the hypertrophy of the lymphoid tissue on the lateral walls of the pharynx behind the posterior palatines in the form of bright red ridges is called "lateral pharyngitis." These terms denote hypertrophic forms of pharyngitis.

Treatment. Rinses with alkaline solutions, inhalation and pulverization; Lubrication of the pharyngeal mucosa with Lugol solution with glycerin, 2-3% solution of collargol or protargol. When hypertrophic form of pharyngitis - cauterization of granules 5-10% solution of silver nitrate, trichloroacetic acid. With pronounced hypertrophic forms of pharyngitis, cryotherapy is used.