
Endometritis is inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Inflammation is caused by pyogenic microbes, of which the most important is the pathogenic Staphylococcus aureus; Possible defeat of tuberculous mycobacteria. It is more often associated with postabortion infection, but can develop after menstruation, intra-uterine diagnostic manipulation (probing, scraping). Necrosis of the endometrium leads to its rejection, bleeding, the appearance of liquid purulent-bloody leucorrhoea. The process can extend to the myometrium with the development of metritis or metroendometritis.

Symptoms, course. Elevated temperature, general malaise, pain in the lower abdomen, liquid purulent leucorrhoea. Chronic course is accompanied by uterine compaction, menstrual cycle disorder, miscarriage.

Treatment. In the acute stage - rest, cold on the lower abdomen, antibiotics, sulfonamides, painkillers, iv administration of 10% calcium chloride solution, autohemotherapy. In the chronic stage, thermal resorption procedures.

The prognosis with adequate treatment is favorable.

Prevention. Compliance with hygiene on time menstruation (refusal of sexual life, from vaginal douches); Measures to prevent the occurrence of post-abortion or postpartum infection.