migraine neuralgia

Migraine neuralgia ( "beam" headache) - paroxysms of severe pain in the temporo-orbital region, repeated several times during the day.

The etiology and pathogenesis are unknown.

Symptoms within. Prodromal symptoms are absent. Attack unilateral pain with possible radiating to the jaw, ear and neck occurs and ends suddenly. Pain accompanied by intense tearing, rhinorrhea, hypersalivation, vascular injection, the conjunctiva. Face pale or becomes congested; patients experience a feeling of rush of blood to the upper body. Headache reaches extreme degrees - patients rushing, screaming. seizure duration from 5.10 minutes to 1.2 hours, they occur several times a day; the duration of the series ( "beam") pain - several days or months. Such a series of pain interspersed with long periods of well-being. Men suffer more often than women. Unlike migraine headache occurs suddenly and ends and is repeated several times a day. In trigeminal neuralgia pain crisis duration is typically less than 1-2 minutes, attack provokes eating, talking, chilling.

The treatment is the same as in migraine. Corinfar 2 tablets three times a day. It is recommended to always carry ergotamine tablets.

Forecast. Effective preventive treatment there. Unlike migraine relatively little success and treatment emerged paroxysm.