Delusional syndromes

Delusional syndromes. Delusions are false, absolutely uncorrectable, conditioned by painful reasons judgments that arise without adequate external reasons. Brad is observed in schizophrenia, organic, vascular and atrophic diseases of the central nervous system, epilepsy, psychogenic, symptomatic and other psychoses. To delusional syndromes are paranoid, paranoid and paraphrenic syndromes.

The paranoid syndrome is characterized by an interpretive delirium, revealing a tendency to gradual expansion and systematization. At the same time, although the content of delirium reflects relationships that are often encountered in ordinary life situations, the delusion structure is created on the basis of evidence revealing the subjective logic with a one-sided interpretation of the facts. In cases of quaverly (delirious) delirium, patients conduct endless litigation, denounce their enemies; Under the burden of reformism and invention, they develop various projects, designs of the perpetual motion machine, etc. If the topic of delirium is jealousy, the patients "discover" all the new signs of adultery, require confessions, arrange secret checks; Patients with love delirium notice unconditional signs of lust on the part of persons of the opposite sex, persistently achieve a meeting with their chosen ones. With hypochondriac delirium there is a constant comparison of "facts", with indisputable certainty that there is a serious ailment. In cases of delirium of poisoning and pursuit, a transition to active protection from "enemies" is possible, which sometimes leads to acts of aggression.

Paranoid syndrome, paranoid (Kandinsky syndrome - Clerambo) is a set of delusions of persecution and exposure to pseudo-hallucinations and phenomena of mental automatism. Patients are convinced that somebody or some phenomenon affects them from the outside with the help of electricity, atomic energy, laser beams, etc., influences their thoughts, directs deeds, hypnotizes. There is a sense of alienation, loss of belonging to one's own mental acts, thoughts, feelings, actions. Desires, inclinations, interests and thoughts of patients become the property of others (a symptom of openness). They "cause" memories, joy, dislike, anger, various unpleasant sensations. Movements and actions also take on the character of done (move your legs and tongue, make faces, turn your head).

Paraphrenic syndrome - a combination of fantastic delusions of grandeur with delusions of persecution, exposure and various phenomena of mental automatism. The clinical picture is dominated by ideas of greatness, world power, usually formed against a background of high spirits. Patients are convinced of their high mission, special mission. They declare themselves as rulers of the earth, award high awards and orders, "possess the gift of foresight," "ingenious abilities"; There are no obstacles to the realization of their ideas. A significant place in the structure of the paraphrenic syndrome is occupied by false, fictitious memories (confabulations).