Cenestatically-hypochondriacal syndrome

Cenestatically-hypochondriacal syndrome is observed in neuroses, psychopathies, schizophrenia, organic diseases of the central nervous system, as well as with various depressions. Hypochondria manifests excessive attention to one's health, concern even with a minor ailment or conviction in the presence of a serious illness, disturbances in the bodily sphere. Hypochondria is often combined with a variety of extremely unpleasant sensations - senostopathies. In a number of cases, senestopathies dominate the clinical picture, representing an independent syndrome.

The psychopathological structure of hypochondriacal states is different. With obsessive hypochondria, worrying fears about the presence of any illness (cardio phobia, carcinophobia, fear of some unrecognized disease), combined with massive vegetative symptoms, algias, tremors, chills, faints prevail. In cases of hypochondriacal depression, depression is combined with a sense of hopelessness, conviction in the presence of a serious ailment, the fear of death. In the first place in the clinical picture there are numerous somatic complaints, a variety of unpleasant sensations (a feeling of diffuse pressure, heaviness in the abdomen, burning in the chest), persistent disturbances in sleep and appetite. When hypochondria acquires an overvalued character, there is a persistent fixation on pathological sensations, which is combined with active activities to overcome them, often acquiring a form of litigation. In a number of cases, all the activities of patients are aimed at restoring the health that is upset, in their opinion. These goals are strict adherence to the regime, regular medication, numerous medical procedures, various measures for tempering the body.

In the picture of delirious hypochondria, the belief in the presence of any disease rests on an increasingly expanding system of "evidence". Patients claim that their body is affected by infection or another harmful agent, and the occurrence of the disease is sometimes associated with exposure to radiation or electric current. Despite the negative results of the tests, patients require more and more new research; Insisting on the diagnosis, refer to various authorities, they are accused of negligence, and sometimes of the malicious intent of doctors who refuse to conduct further examination.