
Warts are a skin disease caused by a filtering virus and characterized by small tumor-like, non-inflammatory, non-inflammatory forms.

Etiology, pathogenesis. The causative agent is the filtering virus Tumefaciens verrucarum. The disease is transmitted by direct contact with the patient, as well as through public objects. The incubation period is 4-5 months. In pathogenesis, a certain role is played by the CNS state.

Clinical picture. There are several varieties of warts. Ordinary warts are dense, painless colors of normal skin or grayish-brown nodules of rounded shape (3-10 mm in diameter) with a rough surface. Favorite localization - the rear of the hands and fingers, the face, the scalp. On the plantar surface of the feet there are so-called plantar warts; They are usually painful and consist of bundles of threadlike papillae surrounded by a roller of powerful horny layers, resembling corn.

Flat (juvenile) warts are small (0.5-3 mm) nodules of normal skin color or yellowish, rounded or polygonal with a smooth flattened surface that barely protrude above the skin. Favorite localization - the face, the rear of the hands. Often observed in young people, especially in school children.

Pointed warts (see Condyloma peaked).

Diagnosis usually does not cause difficulties and is based on a clinical picture. Differential diagnosis for plantar warts is carried out with corn, which is a continuous horny stratification without papillary structure; With pointed warts - with wide condylomas (manifestations of secondary syphilis), having a dense consistence, a broad base and often macerated surface on which the pathogen is found - pale treponem.

Treatment. Electrocoagulation, diathermocoagulation, cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen, solid carbonic acid, lubrication with tuja tincture, application of 5% tebrofen ointment. With multiple warts - hypnotherapy, inside the burnt magnesia (0.5-1 g 3 times a day), foil solution (5 drops 3 times a day). With plantar warts, 1% solution of novocaine solution (2-3 ml), surgical excision, electrophoresis of 10% novocaine solution are also shown; With flat warts - lubrication (3-7 times) fresh celandine juice, vitamin B12 in / m, UFO.