Condyloma spikelets

Condyloma spiky - a kind of warts in the form of soft lobate proliferation, most often in the anogenital region. The causative agent is a filtering virus. Infection usually occurs as a result of direct contact with the patient. Contagiosity is low. The development of genital warts is favored by prolonged maceration of the skin and mucous membrane (slovenliness, pathological urethral and vaginal discharge).

Pointed condylomas are lobed and filiform sprouts that resemble cauliflower. They are prone to grouping, have a soft consistency, whitish wet, villous surface, narrowed base, various sizes, painful, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The main localization: foreskin, small labia, perianal region. From syphilitic wide warts differed by a narrowed base, lobular structure, soft consistency.

Treatment. Lubrication with 20% alcohol solution of podophyllin, powder with pure resorcinol, application of colchamine ointment. If the conservative therapy is unsuccessful - electrocoagulation, acute spoon scraping or surgical excision. Relapse prevention: hygienic care, elimination of pathological discharge.