lymphogranulomatosis groin

Lymphogranulomatosis groin (fourth venereal disease, venereal limfopatiya) -venericheskoe disease occurring mostly in tropical and subtropical climates and is characterized inguinal lymphadenitis with fistula formation and development of scar nodules and elephantiasis of the anogenital region.

The causative agents of disease -mikroorganizmy chlamydia bacteria related. Infection occurs through sexual contact. Pathogen enters through broken skin or mucous membranes. The incubation period - from several days to several weeks.

Symptoms within. There are three clinical period. The first is characterized by the appearance on the place of introduction of the infection (usually on the external genitals) vesicle, which soon turns into a small ulcer. An ulcer is painless and heal in a few days. The second period, which lasts a few months or years, is characterized by a kind of regional lymphadenitis: inguinal lymph nodes gradually increase, become dense, painful, are welded to each other and with the surrounding tissues, the skin above them turns red and swells. Infiltrative conglomerates of the lymph nodes are subjected to softening in the center with the formation of fistulas, which are allocated through the liquid pus and cheesy mass. During this period, the fever may occur. The third period of the disease is manifested genitoanorektalnym syndrome, which is a result of scarring in the lymph nodes, leading to elephantiasis anogenital with papillomatous growths, abscesses, ulcerations. There cicatricial narrowing of the rectum (to complete atresia).

The diagnosis is confirmed by the positive reaction of Frey. In complex cases, a pathogen isolation from lesions.

Treatment with antibiotics and sulfonamides generally not effective. Displaying surgical excision of the affected tissue.

The forecast is bad.