
Microsporia is a fungal disease of the skin and hair. Mostly children are ill. There are anthroponous and zooanthroponous microspores. Anthroponous microspores in our country is very rare. Pathogens - anthropophilic microspores (Microsporon fen-ugineum) - affect the horny spoor of the epidermis and hair; Are highly contagious. The source is a sick person. Transmission routes - direct and indirect (through headgear, brushes, combs, clothes, toys and other items).

Zooanthroponous microsporia is a frequent mycosis. Pathogens - zoophilic microspores (in our country M. canis) - affect the stratum corneum and hair; By contagiousness are inferior to anthropophilic. Sources - cats (especially kittens), less often dogs. The transmission routes are direct (basic) and mediated (through objects contaminated with hair or scales containing M. canis). Relatively rare infection occurs from a sick person.

Clinical picture. Manifestations of anthroponotic and zooanthroponotic microspores are the same and similar to superficial trichophytosis, in contrast to which it is characterized by: sharper boundaries, round outlines, large sizes of foci of lesions on the scalp; Breaking (usually continuous) of hair at a level of 6-8 mm; The presence around the "hemp" whitish covers; Absence of black dots; On smooth skin - multiple foci; Almost constant involvement of gun hair, a frequent increase in BTE, occipital and cervical lymph nodes. There may be changes in the type of infiltrative-suppuration trichophytosis.

The diagnosis of microsporia should always be confirmed by laboratory tests (microscopy, sowing of affected hair or skin scales). Important is luminescent diagnostics (inspection under the lamp of Wood).

Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Inside - griseofulvin, Nizoral; Local iodine-ointment therapy, mycosolone.

The prognosis is favorable.

Prevention. Isolation of sick children; Inspection of all those who contacted the patient (including domestic animals) using a Wood lamp; The catch of stray cats and dogs.