Skin cancer

Skin cancer is a group designation of several types of tumors originating from different parts of the epidermis.

Basalema is more often seen on the face in old age. There is a dense nacreous color of the nodule or a group of small nodules that form a small hardly rising plaque. After a while, at the center of the lesion, erosion or ulcers with a thin scaly crust are formed, along the edges of which close nodules close together are visible. Subsequently, these nodules decay and form a non-healing ulcer with a smooth bright red color and dense edges. Around such an ulcer, new dense nodules arise. On the surface of the basal cell there may be dotted pigmented inclusions (pigmentary variety) or its surface has a yellowish white color (scleroderm-like species). In the scraping from the surface of erosion or ulcers, there are atypical cells.

Treatment: electrocoagulation, electroexcision within healthy tissues, application of omain, or colchamine, ointment under the control of cytological examination, close-focus X-ray therapy, cryodestruction, surgical excision are possible.

The prognosis is good, since the basal cell develops very slowly, does not give metastaes and is well cured. Work ability is usually preserved.

A flat surface (pejoidoid) basal cell skin usually localizes to the trunk. There are different amounts of plaque with a pink, atrophic center covered by thin scales and a rising shiny narrow border of small dense pinkish-red or whitish-yellow, growth-prone nodules along the edge. Progression of the process is extremely slow, infiltration is usually almost not determined. Criteria for diagnosis - the presence of a peripheral cushion of nodules, the absence of ulceration, wetness, a very slow benign course, a tendency to partial spontaneous regress of the nodules with the outcome of atrophy.

Electrosurgical treatment, omain ointment applications. The forecast is good.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is observed mainly on the red border of the lips, especially the lower one, on the penis, vulva; The rest of the skin is extremely rare. Smooth, sized pea-sized nodules are formed, sometimes with papillary growths on the surface, which ulcerate, causing a crater-like, sometimes painful ulcer with a dense bleeding bottom, twisted, overhanging edges. The tumor grows quite rapidly, destroying the surrounding and underlying tissues, and metastasizes. In the scraping from the bottom of the ulcer, atypical cells are easily detected.

Treatment. Close-focus X-ray in combination with surgical excision and chemotherapy.

The prognosis depends on the stage of the disease.

Prevention. Combating precancerous skin diseases, preventing chronic skin injuries; People with prematurely aging skin should avoid insolation.