
Flattening is the flattening of the transverse and rarely longitudinal arch of the foot. There are paralytic, traumatic and static flat feet. Paralytic is observed in poliomyelitis and paralysis of another origin, traumatic - after fracture of the ankles or bones of the foot. The most common type of flatfoot is static: it occurs due to overload of the foot in combination with the constitutional deficiency of connective tissue.

Symptoms, course. The foot has a flattened appearance, rare at first the pain in the foot becomes permanent with time. However, sometimes even a pronounced deformation of the feet is not accompanied by pain.

The diagnosis is based on the characteristic type of feet in the vertical position of the patient with a characteristic radiographic picture of the anterior part of the foot and measurement of the height of the longitudinal arch on the roentgenogram.

Treatment conservative. Wearing of insteps, foot massage, therapeutic exercises, swimming. With severe pain, surgery is indicated.