Injuries to the organs of the abdomen

Injuries to the abdominal organs can be open and closed. Open injuries are more often gunshot or chipped, less often cut. Along with the presence of the wound hole, there is a pronounced pain syndrome, muscle tension and positive symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum. With a wide wound canal, enteric contents, urine, can enter the wound. With a survey fluoroscopy of the abdominal cavity, a penetrating wound confirms the sickle of the gas under the diaphragm, but this sign is far from necessary. The clinical picture depends on the organ damaged in trauma - with damage to the liver and spleen, intestinal mesentery, profuse bleeding arises with signs of acute blood loss, percussion can determine dullness in the sloping places of the abdomen.

With closed lesions, a defect in the skin of the abdominal wall is not present, usually such damages occur during transport accidents, falling from a height, strong impacts on the abdominal wall. Diagnosis is difficult in connection with the combined trauma of other organs and systems, unconscious state of the patient. More often there are ruptures: spleen with intra-abdominal bleeding (weakness, pale skin, cold sweat, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, some tension in the abdominal muscles, dullness of the percussion sound in the loins of the abdomen, a symptom of vanka-vstanka - increased pain in the horizontal position of the patient) - 35 %, Kidneys and urinary tracts - 24%, liver-18%, stomach -10%, organs of the retroperitoneal space - 10%, etc. In addition to these signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, laparoscopy - blood in the abdomen - helps in diagnosis. With small ruptures of the hollow organ, trauma of the retroperitoneal organs (pancreas, duodenum), two-stage ruptures (emptying into the abdominal cavity of the sub-serous hematoma of the liver or spleen), it is difficult to correctly diagnose. For diagnosis, you can use ultrasound, laparoscopy.

Treatment. Before the examination by a surgeon in the hospital, the patient should not drink, do not inject drugs! After the diagnosis is established, surgical treatment, the nature of which depends on the degree and location of the lesion.

The prognosis is serious.