Rupture of the Meniscus

A meniscus rupture is an intraarticular injury to the knee joint. It happens most often among athletes in the game of football, running, jumping.

Symptoms, course. Repeated blockages of the knee joint, when the damaged part of the meniscus is wedged between the articular surfaces. There is a sharp pain, restriction of movements in a joint, effusion in it. Symptoms after a few days pass and repeat with the next joint blockade. With multiple blockades, deforming arthrosis of the knee joint develops.

Diagnosis is based on the clinical picture (repeated blockade) and pneumoarthrography. With the help of roentgenography, the meniscus fracture is differentiated with intraarticular fractures.

Treatment operative - removal of a meniscus. After removal of gypsum longiets, therapeutic gymnastics, hip massage, physiotherapy are performed. The ability to work is restored after 1-1,5 months.

The forecast for a timely operation is favorable.