Ejaculatory disorders component copulative cycle

Ejaculatory disorders component copulative cycle inherently more likely to have congestive and inflammatory changes in the prostatic urethra or syndrome paracentral lobules.

Sexual disorders in prostatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis. Long-term sexual frustration (intimate caresses, provoking an erection without ejaculation and orgasm ending) and surrogate form of sexual activity, as well as artificially interrupted or delayed release coitus and others. First cause aseptic (stagnant) prostatitis, which then receives a bacterial (inflammatory) nature. Formed irritative focus due to abundant neural connections of the prostate with segmental ejaculatory mechanism initially lowers the threshold of ejaculation, and then breaks intercentral relationship between cortical and subcortical levels of regulation of ejaculation.

Symptoms within. In the initial stage of the disorder is manifested only monosemeiotic premature (sometimes ante portas) ejaculation. In the absence of proper treatment and weighting for this disorder symptom joins weak erection, which in turn mechanism psihoreaktivnoy neuroticism generates a decreased libido. Thus, the final step occurs with doctor triad same as that of neurohumoral sexual and mental disorders.

Treatment of urological (antibacterial, given the nature of pathogens and their resistance to existing medications, prostate massage) combined with psychotherapy, whose role is more important than the running disorder.

Paracentral lobules syndrome is based on the defeat of higher cortical centers of urogenital system of regulation.

Etiology. In the case of an alleged act bolyniltve embryotropic factors in the antenatal period or birth trauma, less trauma syndrome is detected after the relevant localization in adults.

Pathogenesis. Lowering the thresholds of spinal automatisms ejaculation and urination due to the weakening of the restraining influence of the cortical centers. In rare cases, an active stimulation from paracentral lobules (like epileptic equivalents).

Symptoms within. Typical are enuresis and pollakiuria, seksopatologicheskih early appearance of symptoms (early ejaculation in life come a few years earlier than it should be for the constitutional parameters, from the very beginning Popova life- premature ejaculation, do not suffer from a significant lengthening even after repeated intercourse with short intervals), the presence of neurological symptoms, indicates the localization of the lesion in paracentral lobules (signs of selective involvement of pyramidal innervation of the distal leg sections in the form of reversals reflex zones Achilles reflexes, clonus stop, the symptoms of Babinski and Rossolimo and their analogs, selective lowering of plantar reflexes, anisocoria, symptoms of oral automatism, etc. ).. Spouses who do not have extramarital sex and carve normal duration of sexual intercourse from personal experience, may feel that they have no deviations in the sexual sphere. In such cases over the years reveals a spontaneous prolongation with the approach to the average statistical norm. When fixing the attention on the sexual forms with elements of sexual trauma can occur reactive neuroticism, which leads to a weakening of erection and suppression of libido.

Treatment. For puristic syndrome characterized by a high therapeutic efficacy chloroethyl blockade lumbosacral diamond-shaped area of ​​60-80 square meters. cm, located at the level of the line connecting both cristae iliacae. Skin chloroethyl sprayed until the white crust intradermal harden, then frozen section to warm his hands until blanching will not be replaced by redness. The procedure is repeated at intervals of 2-3 days, only 5-8 times. In stubborn cases, after a month's break, a second course of blockades with the reception on the day of the siege 2 hours prior to the procedure 1-3 thioridazine tablets.

Prognosis is generally favorable.