
Vaginismus - twitching muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor (mainly muscles, compressing the vagina and the erector muscle of the anus) that prevents sexual intercourse. Vaginismus is often a cause virgogamii (virgin marriage), sometimes lasting for years. In some cases, vaginismus occurs as a result of violence, painful deflowering, rude behavior of the partner when trying defloration. However, most vaginismus occurs when indecisive behavior of her husband and certain character traits uzheny ^ mistrust, resentment, anxiety, emotional instability). In addition, a history of the majority of patients had a different childhood fears (fear of pain, darkness, water, heights, and so on. N.). Fear of pain often becomes obsessive, and is combined with emotional intensity. For some patients, along with the usual complaints vaginismus marked sleep disturbances, BDD, recurrent depression.

The majority of patients there is a violation of psychosexual development with more or less pronounced transformation of gender roles. Marriage with vaginismus often precede friendship "at school", protracted companionship, and often lengthy petting.

wife often characterizes her husband as the "ideal": loving, caring, tactful, gentle, compliant, obey. Sometimes a husband and wife, the beginning determines the role of a spoiled child, desires and whims which are executed implicitly. The prolonged absence of defloration married at the same time, not only does not impair interpersonal relationships, but even puts his wife in the privileged position of man requires greater sensitivity, which contributes to "escape into illness".

Vaginismus usually occurs with the onset of sexual activity. Twitch muscles precedes the fear of pain during defloration, but in some cases it occurs suddenly, unexpectedly for the patient at the time of painful defloration. Soft, discreet husbands insist on coitus. Subsequent attempts to repeat everything. In the future, vaginismus is manifested and gynecological examination. three degrees of severity of vaginismus can be distinguished: 1 degree - a reaction occurs if the vagina or penis tool during a gynecological examination; II degree - a reaction occurs when you touch the genitals or the anticipation of touching them; Grade III - a reaction occurs at a single view of sexual intercourse, or pelvic exam.

The lack of hard defloration married spouses experienced, although in many cases does not impair interpersonal relationships and sexual adaptation pair occurs at the level of petting or (if possible) the vestibular coitus. Women with vaginismus often at the same time can have an orgasm, but to contact their doctor to make sense of the inferiority or the desire to have children.

Vaginismus should be differentiated from psedovaginizma when the pain when you try to introjection, convulsive spasms and defensive reaction of women are secondary, due to the defeat of genitosegmentarnoy component (developmental defects, obesity, adhesions and other gynecological diseases, making introitus sharply painful). In addition, vaginismus must be differentiated from koi-tofobii - fear of pain during intercourse, preventing its implementation and is not accompanied by spasmodic contraction of vaginal muscles. Similar to the phenomenon of vaginismus can be caused by improper operation caused by ignorance of both partners genital anatomy. In this case, a single correction to restore sexual function.

vaginismus treatment requires a doctor's persistence and patience. MUST NOT primitive "psychotherapy" as a reproach, ridicule and threats. The main method of treatment is a rational and suggetivnaya psychotherapy, as well as special training aimed at eliminating the fear of sexual intercourse and related involuntary muscle contractions and information thighs. To facilitate research and conduct training sessions offer the patient to strain the abdominal muscles (push), which leads to relaxation of the pelvic muscles, which are their antagonists.

During the sessions the patient convince painless insertion into the vagina, first one finger, then two or extenders Gegara gradually introduce more and more thick expanders; also effective tapered dilators Zdravomyslova and a set of extenders Svyadosha. Thus tranquilizers (Phenazepamum, tazepam) may be recommended to reduce the fear of the patient.

In some cases, when a pronounced vaginismus and koitofobii, surgical deflowering can be shown with preserved hymen. In the presence of psychopathology used antipsychotic drugs (teralen, frenolon) and antidepressants (azafen, amitriptyline) for 2-3 weeks, gradually reducing the dose. Purpose anesthetics (anesthesia procaine) in the form of ointments or micro-enemas. With her husband, if for virgogamii period he did not develop sexual dysfunction, usually spend a psychotherapeutic conversation.

Prognosis is usually good, but it is heavier, if vaginismus is combined with mental illness.