Soft tissue abscess

Abscess of soft tissues arises as a result of penetration of infection into soft tissues with skin lesions, including with microtrauma. The abscess is usually superficial. The causative agent is mostly staphylococcus in combination with an E. coli (sometimes anaerobic).

Symptoms, course. In the initial stage, an infiltrate appears without clear boundaries, followed by an abscess with typical signs: pain, redness, swelling, fluctuation, fever. With superficially located abscesses, fluctuation appears early, with deeper located - late; For diagnosis in such cases, you can use ultrasound or diagnostic puncture of the infiltrate with a thick needle.

Treatment operative - a wide opening and drainage of the abscess cavity. With deeply located abscesses, you can use a closed method of treatment - a small incision, curettage of the inner wall with aspiration of the contents, drainage of the cavity with double-lumen drainage with washing and active aspiration. This method allows to shorten the period of treatment of patients.