Amoebic liver abscess

Amoebic liver abscess is a complication of acute or recurrent intestinal amebiasis. Amoebic abscesses occur mainly in middle age, most often in men. Amoebic abscess is usually single, large, located more often in the right lobe. The contents of the abscess are liquid, characteristic red-brown color (so-called anchovy paste).

Symptoms, course. The clinical picture is almost similar to pyogenic abscesses, but the temperature is usually somewhat lower than with pyogenic abscesses, until a secondary infection joins. In the anamnesis there is usually data on the transferred dysentery. In the blood - positive immunofluorescence test.

Treatment. Operative treatment is not indicated until the intestinal phase of the disease is eliminated.

Metronidazop 30 mg / kg 3 times a day for 10 days, then 10 days give a half dose of it. Simultaneously appoint resichin for 2 days for 2-3 grams a day, then for 3 weeks 0.5 g once a day, followed by a treatment with tetracycline. If, despite the treatment with amebicides, a clinical or radiographic picture of liver asbestos remains, a puncture is indicated, and with insufficient drainage and appearance of signs of secondary infection, external drainage is indicated.

Forecast. Mortality with amoeba abscess is 6-17%; It is caused by the development of complications - a breakthrough into the free abdominal or into the pleural cavity, pericardium, etc.