
Aneurysm - the expansion of the artery, due to the weakness of the wall or its destruction. It can be single or multiple. Aneurysm can be caused by an innate disease of the vessel wall, athero- and arteriosclerosis, trauma, syphilitic and mycotic lesions. Sometimes an aneurysm arises behind the narrowed part of the vessel (poststhenotic). In form, the saccate and spindle-shaped aneurysm is distinguished, the false aneurysm (the wall is represented by the fibrous tissue) and the true (in the aneurysm the inner shell of the vessel is retained). With a simultaneous lesion of the artery and vein, an arteriovenous aneurysm can develop. In a number of cases, the inner shell of the artery clears, while the blood exfoliates the walls of the vessel, forming a collection of blood. -assaying aneurysm.