Aneurysm of peripheral vessels

Aneurysm of peripheral vessels develops as a result of arteriosclerosis, trauma, sometimes vessel arthrosis, Congenital aneurysms are possible. Rarely aneurysms of peripheral arteries are localized in the visceral arteries, arteries of the brain.

Symptoms, course. Characterized by a violation of the arterial blood circulation of the peripheral parts of the limb or organ. Simultaneously, there may be a violation of the outflow of venous blood due to compression of the aneurysm of the vein. With the prolonged existence of an aneurysm, there may be symptoms of compression and displacement of neighboring organs with a violation of their function. Locally determined pulsating tumor with typical stenotic noise.

The diagnosis is confirmed with the help of ultrasound dopplerography, computer X-ray tomography, angiography.

Complications: thrombosis and embolism of the peripheral parts of the vessel, aneurysm rupture with bleeding. With an increase in the diameter of the aneurysm, the risk of its rupture increases.

Treatment. With an increase in aneurysm, the development of thromboscombolic complications and the threat of its rupture, surgical treatment is indicated. The nature of the operation depends on the localization of the aneurysm.