
Pylephlebitis - a septic phlebitis of the branches of the portal vein. A few days after the appendectomy performed for acute destructive appendicitis, the patient develops unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, in the right iliac region and navel region, high intermittent temperature, severe intoxication, sclerosis, sometimes hepatomegaly. When examined, the abdomen is soft, moderately painful in the navel and right upper quadrant. When rectal or vaginal examination, pathologies are not found. In the analysis of blood - high leukocytosis with a shift of the formula to the left.

Treatment conservative (careful observation of the ballroom state - not to miss the formation of abscess in the abdominal cavity): detoxification therapy, broad-spectrum antibiotics, metronidazole. Pylephlebitis can be the cause of sepsis, liver abscess. The prognosis is often unfavorable. Chronic recurrent appendicitis is the outcome of acute appendicitis, for which, for various reasons (rapid subsidence of the inflammatory process, the formation of an appendicular infiltrate), appendectomy was not performed.

Symptoms, course. Patients are disturbed by a constant mild pain in the right ileal region without irradiation. When examined, the stomach is usually soft, there is local soreness in the right iliac region without symptoms of irritation of the peritoneum. Differential diagnosis with diseases of the female genital area, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract is sometimes difficult. The diagnosis is established on the basis of anamnesis, survey data, allowing to exclude these diseases.

Treatment operative.