
Atheroma is a retention cyst of the sebaceous gland of the skin, formed as a result of blockage of the excretory duct of the gland.

Symptoms, course. It can occur on any part of the body where the hair grows, but the primary localization is the scalp, face (especially below the mouth), back, neck, genital area. A superficially located densely-elastic formation with precise contours is defined, mobile. Skin over formation in the fold is not going to. On the skin close to the center of formation, the enlarged, outlined duct of the gland is sometimes clearly defined. Differential diagnosis is carried out with epithelial cysts, soft tissue tumors (fibromas, lipomas).

Complications: pyesis of atheroma - pain, redness, swelling, tenderness, fever, fluctuation. If suppuration of the atheroma can spontaneously break out, pus with salo-like contents is released.

Treatment operative: under local anesthesia, remove atheroma with the capsule. When suppuration - only the opening of the abscess, sometimes at the autopsy can remove the capsule of atheroma. The prognosis is favorable.