Dropsy of testis and spermatic cord

Dropsy of testis and spermatic cord - accumulation of exudate or transudate between the leaves of the non-ligated vaginal process of the peritoneum. It occurs as a result of trauma, inflammation of the testicle (tuberculosis, nonspecific epididymitis, mumps), testicular tumors, sometimes with varicocele. If the cause can not be identified, talk about the idiopathic hydrocele. Acute hydrocele sometimes occurs in testicular tumors - after puncture of dropsy and aspiration of fluid by palpation establish the cause of the disease.

Symptoms, course. Ptotelastic painless formation sometimes of large size with a smooth surface. Can be one- and two-sided. The egg can not be clearly contoured. The upper pole of the formation is usually clearly separated from the anterior abdominal wall (unlike the hernia). More precisely, the differential diagnosis with inguinal hernia is performed with diaphanoscopy. Some difficulties arise in communicating dropsy: part of the water bag is located in the abdominal cavity, and with the horizontal position of the patient, the formation decreases in size. In this case diaphanoscopy helps diagnose.

With isolated cysts of the spermatic cord, diagnosis usually does not cause difficulties. Communication with the spermatic cord is easy to establish - with a slight sipping, the testicle also shifts in the spermatic cord.

Treatment at adults operative: produce an excision of the watermark (Bergman's operation) or wrapping it around the spermatic cord (Winckelmann's operation). Usually, both methods are combined. In adults, surgery is the last stage of diagnosis in order to exclude a symptomatic hydrocele. In newborns, dropsy usually spontaneously resolves. In small children, a single puncture and aspiration of the contents is sufficient. In adults, the same puncture and aspiration of the contents of the water bag, the effect is usually not given, there is a relapse of the disease.

The prognosis is favorable, with symptomatic dropsy depends on the underlying disease.