Acute urinary retention

Acute urinary retention results from compression of the urinary tract (adenoma or cancer of the prostate, urethral stricture scar, prostatitis) with decreased contractility of the muscle wall of the bladder. When prostate adenoma I-II degree of acute urinary retention contribute goperemiya pelvic organs (alcohol, hypothermia, fatigue, long-term retention of urination, prolonged exposure while sitting or lying down), at least - the appointment of diuretics. Any of these moments predisposing causes hyperinflation and loss of bladder detrusor function.

Acute prostatitis often occurs at a young age. Untreated or poorly prostate is often accompanied by dysuria. The diagnosis of inflammation are common phenomena value: fever, chills, pain in the perineum. When the finger of the prostate study, often determined by its abstsedirovanie. Acute urinary retention is often the first symptom of urethral stricture scar. The diagnosis helps carefully collected history. Neurogenic bladder dysfunction may also be accompanied by increase of residual urine until a sharp delay. Neurogenic dysfunction is the result of a spinal cord injury, surgical operations on the pelvic organs, general anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, the appointment of drugs that act on the innervation of the bladder, the proximal urethra or external sphincter. In women, acute urinary retention usually develops as a result of neurogenic and psychogenic factors or compression of the urethra cancer, scar stricture, and others.

Symptoms within. Pain in the lower abdomen, urinary urgency. On palpation determined suprapubic maloboleznennoe pear-shaped formation of densely-elastic consistency. The diagnosis specify when bladder catheterization.

Treatment. Single or permanent bladder catheterization up to restore its function. After the elimination of acute urinary retention is necessary to conduct the patient examination and treatment of the underlying disease that led to its development.

Complications catheterization: damage to the urethra wall, acute orchiepididymitis, urinary tract infection.

Prognosis depends on the underlying disease.