Foreign bodies of bronchi

Foreign bodies of the bronchi often fall into the right lower lobe bronchus. Anamnestic data on aspiration of a foreign body are often absent. The leading symptom is an attack of a painful cough that then becomes chronic. Solid foreign bodies (parts of dentures, small bones) are in most cases radiopaque. Organic foreign bodies (nuts, particles of fruits and vegetables, vegetable cereals) are usually X-ray negative. Radiologic examination reveals a picture typical for atelectasis with full, or ventral, bronchial blockage, later usually show signs of sluggish pneumonia.

Treatment. Emergency bronchoscopy with a hard tube under anesthesia and removal of the foreign body.

The forecast is favorable with the timely removal of foreign bodies.

Aspiration of gastric contents (Mendelssohn syndrome). Acute toxic edema as a result of contact of hydrochloric acid with the mucosa of bronchi of small generations. Treatment: bronchoscopy with flushing of the bronchi and aspiration of the contents, corticosteroids (250 mg of prednisone). Aspiration of large amounts of water leads to acute swelling of the lungs. Loss of protein in the lumen of the bronchi leads to excessive production of mucous secretions and hyaline membranes. Large electrolyte disturbances (salt water) or hemolysis (fresh water) are rare.

Treatment: pulmonary edema, bronchoscopic sanitation. Hospitalization in the department, provided with bronchoscopic care.