Treatment of sore throats folk remedies

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Angina is an acute infectious-allergic disease, which is accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils. Her pathogen is hemolytic streptococcus group A.

Causes of the disease

The infectious agent can be transmitted by airborne droplets, through food and drink, with direct contact. Angina can be caused by hypothermia, especially in cold and wet weather in the fall and spring. In addition, angina can be one of the manifestations of such complex diseases as diphtheria, scarlet fever, influenza, whooping cough, and also certain blood diseases.

Symptoms of sore throat

Symptoms of angina are known, probably, to everyone: an increase in body temperature to 39-40 ° C, a sore throat, especially when swallowing, reddening of the pharyngeal mucosa. On examination, you can see enlarged, covered with a touch of palatine tonsils. Signs of the disease can also be pain in the joints. With a favorable course of the disease and its proper treatment, inflammatory phenomena disappear within 4 to 5 days.

Folk remedies for treatment of sore throats

  • Rinse throat: cranberry juice with honey; Warm carrot juice; Decoction of quince seeds; Decoction of 20 g of dry crusts of pomegranate in 200 ml of water (boil 30 minutes); Warm 7 - 9 day infusion of tea fungus; Infusion of garlic (100 g of gruel per 100 ml of warm boiled water, insist 5 - 6 hours); Decoction of pine needles (40 g of needles to grind, boil 20 minutes in 200 ml of water, infuse for 2 hours); Tincture of St. John's wort (100 g of herb per 0.5 l of vodka, insist 7 days, take 30-40 drops per glass of water); Decoction of guelder-rose (50 g of dried fruit boil 20 minutes in 1 liter of water); Infusion of clover (1 tablespoon of dry herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist 40 minutes); Broth of kipreja (3 tablespoons of a dry herb to boil 15 minutes in 200 ml of water); Infusion of leaves and stems of raspberries (2 tablespoons to insist 40 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water); Infusion of chamomile fragrant (1 tablespoon of dried flowers pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, add honey); Infusion of horsetail field (5 tablespoons of dry raw material pour 400 ml of boiling water, insist 15 minutes); Infusion of thyme or sage (10 g insist 30 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water); Red beetroot juice (rub a glass of beetroot, pour 1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar, insist, squeeze, rinse, swallow 1 - 2 tablespoons).
  • Take: a decoction of dried raspberry fruit (30 g per 200 ml of water, 1 glass 3 times a day); Decoction of linden flowers (20 g per 200 ml insist 20 minutes, 1 - 2 glasses per night); Infusion of mullein scepter-like (15 g pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist on a water bath for 20 minutes, take 1 - 2 tablespoons 3 - 4 times a day); Broth and infusion of blackberries.
  • Applied for inhalation: decoction of buds of Scotch pine; Eucalyptus oil (15 - 20 drops per inhalation); Infusion of herbs of thyme (10 g insist 45 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water); Decoction of buds of pine (20 g boil 30 minutes in 200 ml of water).
  • A piece of horseradish the size of a hazelnut finely chopped, pour 1/3 cup of boiling water, cover and let it brew for 20 minutes. Then add a little sugar and drink 1 teaspoon several times a day in small sips. This is a good remedy for loss of voice.
  • Mix the equal parts of horseradish and honey gruel. Take this mixture with a loss of voice every 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Mix 1 handful of dry raspberries, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil, 3 to 5 g of ginger powder and pour this mixture 3 cups of boiling water. Insist the night, well wrapped. Strain and drink 1 glass in a warm form in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed.
  • Mix 1 part of lime flowers, 2 pieces of oak bark or 2 pieces of lime flowers and 3 parts of chamomile flowers. Then brew 1 tablespoon of either one or the other mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, hold on low heat for 5 minutes. Infuse for 1 hour, then strain. Rinse your throat, slightly diluting the broth with honey. With a sore throat, it is also advisable to add 5 grams of salt to a glass of decoction of linden blossoms and rinse the throat several times a day with this composition.
  • Rinse, cooked from equal parts of celandine and chamomile, quickly cures angina.
  • Propolis is the most effective remedy for angina at any stage of the disease. Take a piece of propolis the size of a fingernail and slowly chew it after eating. For a day it is recommended to eat about 5 g of propolis. Bear in mind that propolis, which causes burning in the mouth and weak numbness of the tongue, is considered good. You can also put a piece of propolis on the cheek at night.
  • 25 g of fragrant violet flowers are poured with 1 glass of 40% alcohol and kept in a dark place for 2 weeks. The nasopharynx is rinsed with a warm solution, prepared from the calculation: 2 teaspoons of tincture per 1 glass of water. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day - in the morning after eating and before going to bed.
  • Pour 0.5 l of water 2 teaspoons of dry husks of onions, boil, persist for 4 hours, then strain. Rinse your throat several times a day. This is a good tool for preventing laryngitis.
  • Malva forest (flowers) - 2 parts, chamomile (flowers) - 2 parts, oregano (grass) - 1 part, sage (leaves) - 1 part. A tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for 30 minutes and filtered. Warm infusion rinse the sore throat 4 - 5 times a day.
  • To quench the throat, mix in equal proportions the flowers of chamomile, calendula and eucalyptus leaves. A tablespoon of the mixture pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Boil for 2 minutes, then let it sit for 30 minutes in a warm place and strain. Rinse your throat 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, dividing the infusion in half. Start rinsing at a temperature of 26 ° C; Gradually reduce it by 1 ° C per day, reaching thus up to 16 ° C. Carrying out such procedures for a month, you will well harden your throat.
  • A tablespoon of chopped dry fig fruits should be poured 400 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, drain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day. Decoction is used for angina, stomatitis, hoarseness of voice, and also as a dietary drink when exhausted.
  • From the freshly grated onion squeeze juice and immediately swallow it with slow sips (amount - 1 teaspoon). So do 3 times a day. It is a radical antibacterial agent that kills germs that cause inflammation of the pharynx.
  • Take equal parts of marigold, leaves of plantain and wormwood. A tablespoon of this mixture pour 1 cup of water, boil on low heat (preferably even in a water bath) for 10 to 15 minutes, let it brew, strain. Rinse your throat with a warm broth every 2 hours. The broth can be taken orally 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Mix half the water with the Kalanchoe juice and rinse the throat with this solution several times a day.
  • If you feel the approach of the sore throat, chew half a lemon with a zest. Within an hour, do not eat anything to allow essential oils and citric acid to affect the sore throat. Repeat this procedure every 3 hours. You can also cut the lemon into thin slices and suck them. Repeat the procedure every hour until you feel relieved. Fresh lemon can be replaced with a 30% solution of citric acid and rinse their throats in an hour during the day.
  • You can dissolve 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of boiling water and boil for 1 minute. Cool and gargle with this broth 2 - 3 times a day.
  • Mix 1 cup of honey with 1/2 cup of lemon or cranberry juice. Boil and drink every 5 minutes for 1 teaspoon.
  • Pour into a saucepan 1 glass of water, pour half a glass of anise and boil for 15 minutes. Then discard the seeds, and boil the broth with 1/4 cup of honey and pour in 1 tablespoon of cognac. Take 1 tablespoon every 30 minutes.
  • Fennel ordinary - 10 g, peppermint leaf, chamomile flowers, medicinal sage leaf - 30 g. Apply in the form of a warm infusion of 1/2 - 1/3 cup for gargling with laryngitis and sore throat.
  • 5-6 spoons of cinnamon cinnamon fruits pour in a thermos 1 liter of boiling water, drink during the day. It increases the body's resistance to all colds, promotes rapid recovery.
  • 50 g of dry root rhodiola rose (golden root) pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist 7 days in the dark and strain. A teaspoon of tincture to dilute in half a glass of hot water and rinse the throat continuously for 10 to 15 minutes, then relax and repeat the rinse again - until the disease disappears. This is one of the most effective means for treating angina.
  • A sheet of eucalyptus is a rod-shaped eucalyptus - 20 g; Flowers of marigold, leaves of a sage medicinal - on 15 g; Flowers of chamomile, the roots of the chamomile, the roots of the chamomile, the roots of licorice naked, the flowers of the lime are cordate, the grass of the wild rosemary bog - 10 grams a tablespoon of the mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, drain and rinse the mouth and throat with laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis.
  • Flax seed - 30 g; The grass of a sweet potato, the root of an althaea medicinal, the flowers of a chamomile pharmacy - 20 grams each; Rhizome ayr marsh - -10 g. Apply in the form of a warm infusion for rinsing the mouth and throat with inflammation of the mucous membranes, as an emollient.
  • The bark of an oak ordinary - 7 parts, flowers of a lime heart-shaped - 3 parts. Use as a mouthwash for mouth and throat during inflammatory processes.
  • Flowers mullein scepteriform - 1 part, flowers mallow - 1 part, leaf mother-and-stepmother - 1 part. Spread a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain and gargle several times a day with inflammatory processes.
  • 100 g of dried blueberry fruit pour 0.5 liters of water, boil until the amount of water decreases to 1/3 l, drain. Gargle.
  • The leaves of the medicinal sage are 4 parts, the leaves of the nettle are dioecious, the bark of the oak is quivered, the root of the aura of the marsh is 5 parts each. Pour a mixture of 1 liter of water, boil for 30 minutes, drain. Gargle with sore throat.

Traditional treatment for sore throats

The question of hospitalization of the patient is decided in each individual case separately and depends on many factors: the patient's condition, living conditions, etc.

  • The most important conditions for accelerating the recovery process, preventing complications and spreading the infection among others are the patient's isolation and strict bed rest. The patient must necessarily allocate a separate dish and linen, which after use must be carefully processed.
  • Particular attention in any form of the disease is paid to care of the oral cavity, hygiene of the room in which the patient is located (ventilation is necessary at least 2 to 3 times a day, wet cleaning), as well as dishes,
  • An abundant drink is recommended. It can be fruit juice, tea with lemon, honey, raspberry jam, etc. For this, the older child is asked to blow his nose, the young children are washed.
  • A sparing milk-vegetable diet is prescribed, which does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. The food should contain the optimal amount of vitamins (especially vitamin C) and trace elements. It is important to monitor the regular emptying of the intestine, if necessary, prescribe enemas or laxatives.
  • For local treatment, rinse the throat (a solution of furacilin in a dilution of 1: 5000, infusions or decoctions of herbs - sage, chamomile, eucalyptus, St. John's wort 4-5 times a day), spray medicinal powders onto the surface of the tonsils, lubricate the tonsils with Lugol's solution. Rinsing of the throat with solutions of antibiotics is inexpedient, since the complication of treatment is fungal infection of the mucosal cavity, from which it is very difficult to get rid of. An effective method of treatment of sore throat is irrigation of the oropharynx by interferon.
  • For local treatment, dry heat is also used, which warms up water, semi-alcoholic compresses, warmers on the neck area on the lymph nodes.
  • For general treatment, antipyretic, analgesic, antimicrobial agents are prescribed. Antibacterial drugs should be prescribed by a doctor with mandatory consideration of the patient's age, indications, contraindications, and also the prognosis of complications.
  • The use of desensitizing agents - calcium chloride, calcium gluconate, antihistamines is shown.
  • With a paratonsillar abscess - a complication of angina - the treatment is the same, but an autopsy and emptying of a ripened abscess with surgical means is added.
  • To treat angina with prolonged lymphadenitis (inflammation of regional lymph nodes: submandibular, sublingual, cervical, supra- and subclavian), physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are also used. Microwave therapy, UHF, which reduce the inflammatory reaction in the oropharynx, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, and also have some antiseptic effect.
  • With ulcerative necrotizing angina, antibiotics, rinsing of the oral cavity with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, salicylic acid, lubrication and powdering of ulcerous surfaces with special solutions are mandatory for injection.

But do not think that when the symptoms subscribe, the disease goes away. This is not true. Angina is terrible for its insidious complications. Therefore do not neglect treatment and be sure to obey your doctor.