Treatment of malaria with folk remedies

The information published on the site is intended only for reference.
The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
We do not sell medicines! None!

Malaria is an infectious disease with febrile episodes recurring at regular intervals.

The causes of the disease - getting into the human blood plasmodium, the carriers of which are malarial mosquitoes.

Manifestations of malaria. The attack of fever begins with a strong chill, followed by a rise in temperature to 39-40 ° C; After a drop in temperature there is a strong sweating. Such seizures occur every day (with a tropical form), every 3 days (with a three-day form of malaria) or every 4 days (with a four-day period). Fever fever disrupts the liver and spleen, resulting in anemia.

Traditional remedies for malaria:
  • Insist 25 grams of hop cones in 2 cups of boiling water for 1.5 hours, wrapped, then carefully strain. Take a mixture of 50 ml during an attack in the evening, the day of the next day and again in the evening, even if the attack has already passed. For the prevention of taking the mixture must be 3 days. Requires bed rest. After taking the medicine warmly wrap. Please note that within 2-3 days you will experience a feeling of heaviness in your head, but it will soon pass and your health will improve.
  • The healers of the Poltava province claimed that the following remedy cures malaria, even when all other methods no longer have success. Take 20 fresh leaves of lilac, 1 teaspoon fresh wormwood and 1/2 teaspoon eucalyptus oil: Infuse this mixture in a liter of vodka and take with malaria 2 tablespoons before meals.
  • Cut the head of the blooming sunflower, crumble, fold in a glass jar and pour vodka. Infuse in the sun for a month. Take 20 drops before the attack of malaria. If the time of the attack is unknown, then a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • 3 teaspoons roasted and finely ground black coffee, 2 teaspoons grated horseradish and 2 cups water cook for 20 minutes. Strain and drink hot 1/2 cup 2 times a day for 3 days. This term, as the healers thought, was enough to cure malaria.
  • To adjust the bark of the willow and for a few days in a row on an empty stomach to drink tea from this bark in the morning. To make tea 1/2 teaspoon crushed bark boil in a half cups of water until there is not one cup of broth. Cool and add honey, as the broth is very bitter.
  • Take 12 leaves of lilac, brew with steep boiling water and wrap it up in the evening. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink a decoction. Repeat weekly for malaria.
  • 1 cup of fresh green lilac leaves pour 2 cups of water and boil until 1 cup of broth remains. Strain and take 1/5 cup before the attack of malaria.
  • Take 300 g of small lilac branches with leaves and boil for 20 minutes in 1 liter of water. Let the broth brew for at least 2 hours and drain. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day for malaria.
  • 9 leaves of lilac in a bottle, pour 100 g of pure alcohol and plug the cork. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals, washing down with a tablespoon of boiled water.
  • In 1 liter of water for 20 minutes boil 200 g of fresh sunflower roots. Infuse 2-3 hours and strain through folded four times gauze. Take malaria 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
  • 1/2 cup of black radish juice mixed with 1/2 cup of vodka. Drink in 3 divided doses during the day. In the morning of the next day, drink the whole glass of the mixture at once. Vomiting will begin with greens, after which the malaria completely passes.
  • 2 tablespoons of the dry crushed roots of a dogrose to fill in with 1 glass of boiled water, to insist, filter. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.
  • Finely chopped lemon in a saucepan and pour 1 cup of water. Boil until half of the liquid is boiled. Remove the saucepan from the heat and strain, add a spoonful of vodka and continue to boil over the fire. As soon as it boils, pour 50 mg quinine into the powder. When it boils again, remove from heat and put in a cool place. Take in the morning on an empty stomach 3-4 consecutive days all at once.
  • A tablespoon of roots of nettle and 0.5 tablespoon of garlic, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and press for 6-8 days. Take 1 tablespoon of tincture, diluted with water, 3 times a day. This same tincture rub the body.
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley seeds, pour 2 cups of cold boiled water, insist 8 hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 4 times a day. It is also used for inflammation of the kidneys.