Treatment, cure, osteoporosis, bone, calcium, bone mass

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Osteoporosis is the most common disease of the bone apparatus. Due to a decrease in the calcium content in the spongy and tubular bone material, the bone mass decreases. The bones become brittle, weak, brittle, appear porous. Osteoporosis contributes to a simple (easy) occurrence of fractures.

Osteoporosis is localized more often in the vertebrae, bones of the forearm and wrist, pelvic bones, although all bones are susceptible to this disease.

The exact causes of osteoporosis are unknown. However, there are suggestions that its development occurs under the influence of genetic and external factors. The main risk factor for the formation of osteoporosis is the incomplete process of building a significant mass of bone tissue to the period of human maturity. The peak in the acquisition of considerable strength and density of bones and the formation of the basic bone mass occurs at the age of thirty years. Until this time, the process of formation and destruction of bone tissue seems to compensate each other. After 35 years, the bone mass decreases, as the rate of bone destruction exceeds the rate of formation of new bone tissue. As a result, osteoporosis develops and progresses in the future. This is an integral part of the aging process.

Women are more likely to develop osteoporosis, usually after 45 years of age. Over time, disorders are observed much more often. In nine out of ten women aged 70 and older, an X-ray examination reveals signs of osteoporosis. Apparently, the female sex hormone estrogen, produced directly in the ovaries before the onset of menopause, performs the function of calcium retention in the bones and preservation of bone mass. After menstruation ceases, the estrogen content in the female body drops noticeably. The same result is observed when the ovaries are removed. In consequence, calcium leakage from the bones is increased, and the manifestations of osteoporosis are exacerbated. Men have a greater bone mass than women, and also are not subject to sharp modifications in the content of hormones. Most likely, it is for this reason that the most frequent and severe cases of osteoporosis fall to the share of the female population. If a woman initially has a small peak in bone mass, osteoporosis develops much faster.

There are a number of other risk factors for osteoporosis:

  • Genetic predisposition to the development of the disease;
  • Such endocrine disorders as hyperthyroidism and hyperparathyroidism;
  • Fragile physique and small body;
  • Long-term use of alcoholic beverages;
  • Lack of sufficient physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle;
  • Not an unimportant factor - smoking;
  • Kidney or liver disease;
  • Insufficient vitamin D and calcium in food for a long time;
  • Syndrome of absorption in the digestive tract;
  • Long-term use of some drugs: steroid drugs, antibiotics, heparin (a means to reduce blood coagulability), anticonvulsants; Prolonged bed rest.

Symptoms . The manifestation of pain in the pelvic region and in the lower parts of the back is characterized by the easy appearance of fractures, most often the wrist, pelvic bones, vertebrae (usually compression fractures of the vertebrae). Spontaneous fractures (without the presence of any trauma) are characteristic of severe degree of osteoporosis. Injuries to the spine of the compression type are accompanied by a decrease in the patient's growth and a shift in the inferior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.

Traditional methods of treatment . Completely get rid of this disease is impossible, but it can prevent its further development. When calcium in the blood is not enough, it is washed out of the bones. It is necessary to ensure the intake of calcium every day in such quantity that its content in the blood is sufficient so that the bones do not lose their minerals. Obesity creates an additional burden on the bones, which have undergone changes as a result of osteoporosis. It is necessary to maintain body weight within acceptable limits. When performing physical exercises, the endurance of bones increases, which helps preserve calcium in them. Sometimes during the menopause, hormone therapy is prescribed (the return of the missing hormones to the body) in order to slow the development of osteoporosis.

General recommendations

  • Take calcium-containing drugs.
  • Drink natural vegetable and fruit juices (preferably - home cooking).
  • Eat dairy products and drink plenty of milk.
  • Completely abandon alcohol.
  • Take every day one teaspoon of clay.
  • Minimize the use of tea and coffee.
  • Eat a lot of nuts, vegetables, cereals.
  • Quit smoking completely.