Treatment of pancreatitis with folk remedies

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Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. The cause of the disease is the overlap of the gland duct with a tumor, stones from the gallbladder, cyst. As a result, the physiological outflow of digestive juices with enzymes to the initial section of the small intestine and duodenum is disturbed. Pancreatic enzymes that accumulate in the gland act on its tissues in such a way that the pancreas enters the process of self-digestion.

This process can lead to the complete destruction of the gland tissue and adjacent organs of the abdominal cavity and blood vessels. As a result, severe internal bleeding, shock, peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum) can occur which can lead to death.

Acute pancreatitis . For this form of the disease is characterized by spontaneous appearance of symptoms and regularly recurring acute attacks. Usually recovery occurs spontaneously. The acute form of the disease usually does not lead to irreversible damage to the gland, but not in the case when there is an alcohol abuse, then tissue destruction occurs constantly.

Symptoms . The main symptom of acute pancreatitis is pain. Starting from the top of the abdomen, along the midline, it then gives in the back. Also characteristic symptoms are: nausea, vomiting, fever and jaundice, in some cases.

Traditional methods of treatment . During an exacerbation - the gland needs rest. For this, the amount of food taken is reduced to a minimum. Until the symptoms of the disease subsided, the usual diet is replaced by intravenous fluid administration. Often, to eliminate the cause of the disease, use a surgical procedure (for example, removing stones) in order to open a common duct of the gland. This duct, which serves as a connecting duct between the gallbladder and the pancreas with the duodenum.

Chronic pancreatitis . This form of the disease is dangerous because irreversible destruction of the pancreatic tissue takes place for a long time.

Symptoms . Patients complain of a stinking and lean chair of oily form. There are signs of beriberi, the patient loses weight. Very often chronic course of pancreatitis causes the development of diabetes, as it leads to the destruction of cells that produce insulin. Other symptoms are similar to the clinical manifestation of acute pancreatitis.

Traditional methods of treatment . Unfortunately, complete recovery in chronic pancreatitis is impossible. The purpose of therapeutic measures is to prevent and eliminate further destruction of the gland. Therapeutic measures include: complete exclusion of caffeine and alcohol from the diet; Use only light, low-fat food; The use of pancreatic enzymes, vitamins and the treatment of diabetes.