Treatment of skin cancer with folk remedies

The information published on the site is intended only for reference.
The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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Skin cancer is a malignant tumor from skin epithelial cells. In mammary tumors moles and warts can develop.

Causes of the disease. Skin cancer usually occurs in the elderly, more often on the skin of the face, in place of long non-healing ulcers, fistulas, in place of scars. Excessive enthusiasm for sun tan can also lead to this disease.

Manifestations of the disease. Appear seals, ulceration of individual skin areas.

Folk remedies for skin cancer:
  • Prepare ointment from celandine (fresh juice): 1 part of juice for 4 parts of Vaseline or powder from grass and Vaseline in the ratio 1: 1. Lubricate the affected area.
  • Cancerous tumors on the skin are smeared with carrot juice, and also take it inside.
  • Connect the celandine large (grass) - 5 tablespoons, laxative hopper (leaves) - 3 tablespoons, sweet potato (grass) - 3 tablespoons, meadow clover (grass) - 3 tablespoons, pharmacy crust (grass) - 2 tablespoons , Carrot sowing (seed) - 2 tablespoons, budu plushchevidnuyu (grass) - 2 tablespoons. Take away, two tablespoons of the collection, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, insist, drain. Infusion to use only for external use in the form of lotions.
  • 100 g of young roots of large burdock boil, pass through a meat grinder, add 100 g of sunflower oil and cook for 1.5 hours, cool. The resulting ointment lubricate the affected skin.
  • Lubricate the diseased areas with milky juice (letex) of milkweed, lettuce or wild mokan.
  • Drink the fresh juice of the basil present. Improves metabolism in skin cancer.
  • On an unopened wound, apply 3 times a day gruel from grated juicy carrots and chopped herb hemlock, each time fresh. To open the wound, apply gauze, moistened with the juice of these plants 2: 1 (well, even add 2 parts of the yarrow grass juice), change 5 times a day.
  • Apply fresh cheese to the sore spot. At first it will burst and ache, but then the wound will soften and clear. There is a known case of curing cancer on the face skin in 2 weeks.
  • Take unlimited decoction of marshwort.