Treatment of cystitis with folk remedies

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The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder.

Causes of the disease: infection in organs associated with the bladder or adjacent to it, for example, in the kidneys, ureter, vagina, prostate gland; Supercooling; Frequent use of spices, smoked products, alcoholic beverages; Constipation in severe form.

Manifestations of cystitis: frequent and painful urination in small portions; Pain (cutting, burning, blunt) usually intensifies at the end of urination; Sometimes fever, nausea; Possible the presence of urine in the blood and pus; There may be pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cystitis:
  • Shoots of thuja, bearberry leaves, herb herb, birch buds (all 5 grams) are boiled for 5-7 minutes in 1 liter of water. The broth is drunk during the day is well warmed up.
  • To strengthen the bladder, mix 1 teaspoon of freshly prepared oatmeal, apple and honey. Take this mixture 30 minutes before eating. Please note that for each reception you need to prepare a fresh dose.
  • 1 glass of oat grains and 2 cups of water is boiled in a water bath until half the volume of liquid evaporates. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Another recipe: 40 g of oat straw pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, filter. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day.
  • 20 g of kidney, bark or aspen leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Boil 7-10 minutes, insist, wrapped, 30 minutes and strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day. Or: the buds of aspen to insist on vodka or 70-degree alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Take 25-30 drops 3 times a day. Decoction and tincture are used for acute chronic cystitis and weakness of the bladder.
  • If urination is difficult, 1-1.5 tablespoons of fresh or dried elderberry flowers should be filled with a glass of boiling water. Be sure to cover something warm and let it brew for 1 hour. Drink cooked infusion 2-3 times a day for 2 tablespoons for 2 weeks. After a one-week break, the treatment can be repeated if necessary.
  • 2 teaspoons of yarrow herb brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist 1 hour, strain. Drink 50 ml infusion 4 times a day before meals.
  • 2 tablespoons chopped roots of dog rose pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil for 15 minutes, insist 2 hours and strain. Drink 100 ml 4 times daily before meals with inflammation of the bladder.
  • Pour 6-8 g of birch leaves 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 10 minutes, insist and strain. Drink 50 ml 3 times a day with meals. Infusion to use for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder: it prevents the formation of urinary stones, is a diuretic.
  • Mix 200 g of lime-colored, crushed oak bark and bearberry leaves. Pour 1 tablespoon mixture 1 cup of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes. After this, let the broth brew for half an hour, strain. Drink 1 glass of warm broth in the evening.
  • Mix the elderberry herbaceous, ordinary barberry, juniper, kidney birch white (2 tablespoons), chamomile (1 tablespoon). For 1 liter of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the collection. Take 100 ml 6 times a day.
  • 2 tablespoons (top) grass horsetail field pour 1 liter of water, boil 10 minutes, insist, wrapped, 20 minutes and strain. Grass horsetail folded into a canvas sac and in a hot form put on the bottom of the abdomen with cystitis. Decoction take inside 1 glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Grass horsetail and inflorescence of chamomile connect equally. With a painful urination to drink hot napar from this mixture of 3 cups a day in small sips, but often.
  • A teaspoon of the crushed root of ayr marsh is pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 20 minutes, strain. Drink 100 ml 4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating with diseases of the bladder, kidneys and urinary tract.
  • A teaspoon of parsley seeds should be pounded in a mortar and brewed with a glass of boiling water, soaked for 2 hours, cooled, filtered. To drink during the day a glass of infusion, if there is a protein in the urine.
  • 50 g of medicinal sage should be finely chopped, mixed well. Pour a teaspoon of herbs with 200 ml of boiling water and soak for 2 hours in the oven. Take a cold drink of 50 ml 3 times daily before meals for 2 weeks to get rid of mucus in the urine.
  • Seeds of parsley garden - 20 g, bearberry leaves - 30 g. A tablespoon of mixture to pour 200 ml of cold water, to insist for 6 hours, cook for 7-10 minutes, strain. Drink in small sips throughout the day. The broth normalizes the alkaline reaction of urine with cystitis.
  • Inflorescences of chamomile pharmacy - 20 g, peppermint leaves - 15 g, buds of poplar black - 20 g. A tablespoon of mixture pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist 3-4 hours, drain. Drink with acute cystitis 100 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.
  • Grass horsetail field - 15 g, leaves of beans - 15 g, leaves bearberry - 30 g, fruit juniper ordinary - 20 g. Four tablespoons mixture pour 1 liter of water, cook for 7-10 minutes, insist 10 minutes, strain. To drink during the day.
  • Rhizome rhizome erect erect - 15 g, grass horsetail field - 15 g, leaves psyllium - 20 g. A tablespoon of the crushed mixture pour 2 glasses of water, cook 7-10 minutes, strain. Pour broth for 1 glass, warm, in the afternoon.
  • Every day, drink 3-4 cups of nettle dioecious. This improves the functioning of the kidneys, and the causative agents of the bladder infection are washed out of the body.
  • Fruits of juniper - 5 parts, leaves of birch - 5 parts, fruits of parsley - 2 parts, roots of lyubistok - 2 parts. A tablespoon of the ground mixture to insist on a glass of cold water for 6 hours, boil for 15 minutes, strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day. Recommended for alkaline urine.
  • Grass of cranberries - 1 part, fruits of mountain ash - 3 parts. A tablespoon of the ground mixture to brew 200 ml of boiling water, insist 3 4 hours in the heat, drain. Drink 100 ml, adding 1 teaspoon of honey, 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before eating with inflammation of the bladder.
  • 10 g of dry crushed herbs medunitsa medicinal pour a glass of boiling water, soak for 20 minutes. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • The grass of the violet is tricolor, the root is the lovage of the medicinal, the fruits of the juniper are mixed equally. A tablespoon of the mixture to brew, like tea, in a glass of boiling water. Strain and drink 1 glass a day.
  • Apply a mixture of 2 tablespoons yarrow, 1 tablespoon of root ayr, 1 tablespoon birch buds and 2 tablespoons bearberry. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 2.5 cups of water, boil for 5-10 minutes, insist until it cools down, then drain and take for the day, dividing into 4 divided doses.
  • Connect the grass of the horsetail of the field (15 g), the rhizome of the cinquefoil erect (15 g), leaves of the plantain large (30 g). A tablespoon of the ground mixture should be poured into 400 ml of boiling water. Infuse, wrapped, 1 hour, after which drain. To drink in the evening for 1 reception 1 glass of a warm infusion.
  • 2 teaspoons of dry ground ore of common oregano, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals in a warm form.
  • Leaves of black currant are used as a diuretic in urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. Pour 1 liter of boiling water 5-6 tablespoons of chopped leaves and insist in the heat for at least an hour. Take a glass 5-6 times a day. In the broth for improving the taste, you can add sugar or honey.
  • 20 g of dried leaves of cranberries pour a glass of boiling water, insist 20 minutes. Take a tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • 2 tablespoons dried flowers linden heart-shaped pour 2 cups of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes. Drink, like tea, in a hot form.
  • A tablespoon of currants black currant, like tea, a glass of boiling water and take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.
  • Green parsley is recommended as a diuretic. It is prepared in the following way: 800 g of parsley to rinse, cut and, having poured into a saucepan, pour the milk so that it covers the whole mass. Put on a slow fire or in a low-heat oven and let the milk get drowned, but do not boil. Strain and wring out mass through gauze. Take a tablespoon every hour.
  • With cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, flatulence, liver disease, edema, a good diuretic is a decoction of parsley seeds. A teaspoon of chopped parsley seeds is poured into 1 liter of cold water and left overnight. Take 3 tablespoons of infusion every 2-3 hours.
  • Cowberry ordinary leaf, St. John's wort herb, black elder flowers, chamomile flowers, poplar bud black mixed equally. A tablespoon of mixture pour 3 glasses of water, boil for 30 minutes and strain. Take 100 ml of 4-6 times a day for 10-12 days with acute cystitis.
  • Bark barberry ordinary, black poplar buds, tansy flowers and cranberry leaf common to collect equally. A tablespoon of the mixture to insist 2-3 hours in 1.5 cups of boiling water, drain. Take 50-70 ml 4-5 times a day for chronic cystitis with acidic urine reaction.
  • 15 g of dry ground grass thyme creeping pour a glass of boiling water, soak for 30 minutes. Take a tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Infusion of blue cornflower acts as a diuretic for swelling associated with kidney disease, with inflammatory diseases of the urinary system: cystitis, urethritis. Has antimicrobial effect. Flowers of cornflowers without baskets are used. Spoon a teaspoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, do not boil, insist for an hour, then strain. Take 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 15 minutes before meals.
  • To pick up ingredients in the specified proportions: a sheet of lemon balm, a rhizome with roots of valerian officinalis - 1 part; Grass goose geese, grass rue fragrant - 3 parts. A tablespoon of the ground mixture pour a glass of boiling water, insist 15 minutes on low heat and strain. To drink warm in I reception at an incant voiding, spasms of a bladder.
  • A bearberry leaf, a leaf of a birch warty, a licorice root naked, a rhizome of crimson creeping grass, corn stalks with stigmas mixed evenly. A tablespoon of the mixture pour a glass of cold water, insist 6 hours. Then boil for 6-7 minutes, strain. Drink sips throughout the day.

Diet. In acute cystitis, you must immediately stop taking solid food. At an elevated temperature, drink only water. It is recommended to dissolve a teaspoonful of tea in 180 ml of boiling water, allow to cool and drink every 2 hours from eight in the morning until noon to drink 60 ml. This makes it easier to urinate, and also stops the bleeding that occurs with cystitis. If the temperature is normal, you should drink vegetable juices (for example, carrot in half with water). A good diuretic is cucumber juice; It should be drunk on a cup 3 times a day with a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Then you can switch to a dairy and vegetable diet. Avoid refined carbohydrates and salt.
You can drink this nutritional and diuretic mixture twice a day: mix half a glass of liquid barley porridge and whey and add the juice of one lemon.
Drink as much as possible, and always in a warm form. Every day use water with 1/2 teaspoon of soda. In case of constipation, you can not take a strong laxative, like, for example, castor oil, but use simple household remedies: prunes, yogurt, whey, raw milk, baked apples, carrot juice, sour cabbage, decoction of flaxseed.