Treatment of barley with folk remedies

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The described methods of diagnosis, treatment, recipes of traditional medicine, etc. Self-use is not recommended. Be sure to consult with a specialist in order not to harm your health!
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Barley - acute purulent inflammation of the hair bulb of the eyelash and sebaceous gland gland.

Causes of the disease - non -compliance with hygiene rules: wiping eyes with dirty hands or a dirty handkerchief, a towel. The appearance of barley contributes to metabolic disorders, beriberi, colds, general exhaustion.

Symptoms of the disease - the formation of a limited painful reddish swelling at the edge of the century at the onset of the disease; 3-4 days later, a purulent plug appears on the tip of the swelling. After it bursts, pus is released (to avoid infection in the blood, which can lead to serious complications - meningitis, sepsis, - pus from barley can not be squeezed out, you need to see a doctor).

Folk remedies for the treatment of barley:
  • Apply a warm compress of the plantain leaves of a large plant with an anti-inflammatory effect to the inflamed area.
  • It helps the decoction of the fennel seeds: 1 teaspoon grind in a mortar and pour 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and let it brew for 5 minutes. Strain, cool. Wet the cotton swab in the decoction and, wringing out, apply to barley several times a day.
  • Eat 5-6 dry little yellow baskets of tansy ordinary, washed down with water. During the day, repeat 4-5 times and continue until the barley has passed.
  • As soon as barley starts to develop, apply a wet hot napkin to the eye or apply a warming compress from a weak solution of chamomile or boric acid. Inside it is useful to take a powder of combustible sulfur, adding it to milk by a teaspoon per day.
  • It is also good to treat barley with compresses from mashed boiled potatoes.
  • Cut the leaf of aloe tree, wash, squeeze the juice and dilute it with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10. To apply for lotions.
  • Inflamed eyelid with a lobster of raw garlic, peeled from the husks, for 2-3 days.
  • An ancient preventive method: take the golden ring, which was worn for long, sit in front of the mirror and try to catch a ring of sunny bunny. Direct him to an inflamed place, threatening the emergence of barley, and lead like a brush. Barley does not appear at all.
  • 10-15 dry inflorescences of calendula (marigolds) pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist, wrapped, for 30-40 minutes and strain. Apply to lotions and compresses. You can use and lotions from the tincture of calendula pharmacy, diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:10.
  • When the window glass in the room is very misted, remove this moisture with a clean finger and anoint the eyelid with it. Do it 2-3 times.