Available products for cleaning the body from nicotine

Доступные продукты для очистки организма от никотина

Smoking is pyrolytic inhalation (inhalation of smoke) of drugs, mainly of vegetable origin, smoldering in the flow of inhaled air, in order to saturate the organism with the active substances contained in them by sublimation and subsequent absorption in the lungs and respiratory tract. As a rule, it is used for the use of smoking mixtures with narcotic properties (tobacco, hashish, marijuana, opium, crack, etc.) due to the rapid intake of psychoactive substances in the brain. Also the word smoking or incense means burning or evaporation of incense and aromatic substances, used in religious rituals, in aromatherapy and for air aromatization.

For countries and territories of the world that provide relevant information to WHO, the prevalence of tobacco smoking among adults varies from 4% in Libya to 54% in Nauru. The top ten countries with the most widespread tobacco smoking include, in addition to Nauru, Guinea, Namibia, Kenya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mongolia, Yemen, Sao Tome and Principe, Turkey, Romania. Russia in this row of 153 countries ranks 33rd (37% of adults smoke). However, despite the fact that, for example, the United States ranks 98th in this series (24%), cigarette consumption here is on average higher per capita than in many countries with a higher prevalence of smoking among the adult population. If in the USA about 6 cigarettes per capita are consumed daily (that is, including children and all non-smokers), then in Russia it is less than 5. And the highest level of per capita cigarette consumption in Greece is almost 12 per person per day. According to the latest WHO data, Turkmenistan is the country with the lowest percentage of smokers in the world.

The fact that nicotine is terribly harmful to a person is recognized by everyone, even by smokers themselves, but it is very difficult to get rid of this heavy habit. Cigarettes adversely affect both the respiratory system and other body systems, despite all the recent bans and increasing prices for tobacco products, people continue to smoke.

It is impossible to list all the terrible consequences of smoking, but we will talk today about those products that will help you as quickly as possible to withdraw nicotine from the body, if you still found the strength to give up this harmful habit or simply minimize its effect on the body if to deny yourself In the pleasure of smoking a few cigarettes you are not ready yet.

Recall that usually the physiological need for smoking disappears after a week of giving up cigarettes. However, those harmful substances that absorbed the body, are taken out much longer. This takes at least 3 years, but the exact period of complete cleansing depends on the intensity and duration of smoking. Let us help our body recover as soon as possible and begin to function normally after smoking.

1. Cabbage

The action of cabbage is directed not only to cleansing the body of toxins, but also to treatment of the stomach and intestines, including ulcer disease. Thus, using cabbage, we act immediately in two directions: we carry out a powerful detox and prevent diseases associated with smoking.

2. Garlic

Garlic contains allicin - a substance that helps to remove toxins. In addition, garlic has its main purifying effect on the respiratory and circulatory systems, which is especially important if we are talking about getting rid of the effects of long-term smoking.

3. Apples

Apples contain fibers that remove heavy metals, coping well with many other types of toxins. Most noticeable results of purification will be on the skin, which is very suffering from dehydration if you smoke regularly. In addition, the use of apples for the purification of the liver has been proven.

4. Celery

Celery is a great help in clearing blood. In addition, it is a powerful natural diuretic that helps to remove accumulated toxins naturally.

5. Broccoli

Although we have already talked about cabbage as a whole, we want to separate broccoli separately, because this sort of cabbage is a real strategic weapon in the fight against oxidative processes in the body, provoked by smoking. B vitamins help all vital systems work together, maintaining the necessary level of metabolism. And broccoli contains a large amount of vitamin C, the shortage of which affects smokers.

6. Cranberries

This berry is not only very rich in vitamins and various microelements, which the body loses with prolonged regular smoking, but also has a powerful detox action. In addition, the composition of cranberry includes nicotinic acid, which is often called vitamin PP. It will help you survive the difficult moment of giving up cigarettes.

7. Pomegranate

Garnet has a powerful antioxidant effect, neutralizing the negative effect of smoking on body cells. Also, this fruit cleanses the blood and improves its circulation. And, the pomegranate helps to cope with a stomach disorder, which is often observed in heavy smokers.

8. Orange

Smokers constantly deplete the stores of vitamin C, which is so important for the body, with which oranges are rich. And if you make smoothies, adding carrots to freshly squeezed orange juice, then such a vitamin cocktail will help you to strengthen immunity and improve blood circulation, which will contribute to overall detoxification.

9. Spinach

The leaves of spinach contain a large amount of folic acid. It is she who helps the tired body to fight the negative consequences of smoking and speeds up the withdrawal of nicotine. Do not forget that any changes, including positive ones, are a stress for the body. Regularly include spinach in your menu - and dropping cigarettes you will be a little easier.

10. Ginger

Ginger is rightly considered a pantry of health and longevity. Its main advantage for those who have already given up smoking or seriously considering to part with such a bad habit is a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, which needs to be restored after regular exposure to tar and nicotine contained in cigarettes.


And finally, I would like to give a few more recommendations to those who want to get rid of all the negative consequences for the body caused by smoking as soon as possible.

First , try to walk as often as possible in the open air. This will enrich the body with oxygen and accelerate the metabolism, which means that toxins will be excreted faster.

Secondly , go in for sports. The ideal option is swimming.

And thirdly , if there are no contraindications, then be sure to visit the sauna or sauna. Under the influence of high temperatures, the pores open and together with sweat toxins leave the body.