The technology of acrylic nails

Already we touched on acrylic technology capacity, in the introductory article about the extension, in this article we consider the details of the acrylic capacity.

First we need to engage in strengthening nails, for a few days, and only then should start to the process of nail. With extreme caution should approach those who once did not wear long nails, they are encouraged to build up not very long nails, roughly about half a centimeter. Once accustomed to this ledge nail, and will not feel discomfort from them, it will be possible to increase a little bit longer. The main thing is not to overdo this, because not always all are long nails, it is very individual, or it may not correspond with the type of activity, and they will often break down.

After 1-2 weeks you will grow your nails, it is natural, so it will be necessary to make the nail correction.

With the right building with the help of acrylic nails are strong and resilient. The essence of the building in such a way applied onto fingernail acrylic mixture, which pre-form wear tip. Features of this build is that at a remote artificial nails - egorazmyagchayut in a special solvent. And even if a small crack on the nail that accrued nail must be completely replaced.

If you adjust the accrued nails in the salon, they will always look good, and keep your forum about two to three months. But do not forget to give your nails a break between repeated build-up! Prolonged wearing of artificial nails of any harmful for your nails! (This is a warning from the Ministry of Health :) )