The most common questions on manicure ...

Question visitor website: Hello, tell me please, what can it be? I have a problem with one fingernail. In general, the nails do not fade, solid, the shape is beautiful .. And from under this problem something is growing. It's not just there, it's growing. It looks like hair, just tight. From above through a fingernail it is looked through, that he goes through all nail from a nail follicle. Grows parallel with the nail. I pull out with tweezers how much it turns out. It hurts very much. Then there is blood. And then this hair again grows ... Tell me what is this?


Tatyana .

Response to the letter:

Indeed Tatiana, you have a serious problem with the nail, apparently under the fingernail develops a fungal infection, I recommend in the very near future to consult a doctor - mycologist, tk. Infection of other nails and even the skin of the hands may occur. I wish a speedy recovery to your nail!