Caution! Medications! How can I treat a cold (ODS)

Caution! Medications! How can I treat a cold (ODS)

If you catch a cold, you start to drink hot milk with a cup of honey, soar your feet and have a handful of aspirin, you need to stop urgently. After all, this way you do not treat, but you cripple your body

Influenza is a serious ailment: it does not take at least two weeks, accompanied by fever, chills, nausea and muscle pain. Another thing - SARS: runny nose, cough, not too high temperature - in a word, not a disease, but nonsense. Why go to a doctor, take a hospital, if you can eat antiviral drugs and the next day to run to work?

This is what most of us think and do. Alas, we are making a serious mistake. This is at first glance an absolutely harmless disease, if it is started or treated incorrectly, can lead to such unpleasant complications as heat stroke, internal bleeding, and even to heart problems.

Caution: medications!

"All medicines that are sold without a doctor's prescription are absolutely safe. The more I eat tablets and drink soluble powder, the faster I will be cured! "Guided by these misconceptions, people who contract ARVI buy antiviral drugs in batches and take them beyond measure. And forget that any pill, even the most inoffensive in appearance, is "chemistry", which can bring not only good, but also harm.

Ascorbic is the cause of the allergy. Vitamin C is the main fighter with viruses that cause colds. Everyone knows about this, some even think that if they eat a shock dose of ascorbic acid, ARVI will pass like a magic wand. As a result, homegrown healers, slightly zahlyupan nose and a couple of times sneezing, immediately run to the pharmacy and buy a dozen bags of soluble or fizzy vitamin C. And forget that, firstly, the body will never learn more useful substances than him It takes. So this is a waste of time and money. Secondly, against the background of the raging ARVI, when all body systems are weakened, an overdose of ascorbic acid can lead to allergies, liver and blood problems.

Tablets are beaten by immunity. Today, the shelves in pharmacies are literally filled with all sorts of antiviral drugs. Therefore, at the first sign of a cold, most of us do not have the question "what to do?". We rush headlong for the medicine known to us and begin to take it according to the instructions. If you do the same, do not be surprised that ARVI, instead of going through three days, is torturing you for a week. Miracle pills really fight against viruses, but the problem is that these "pests" are thousands! There is no guarantee that the drug chosen at random is aimed at destroying the pathogens of your ARVI. However, the uncontrolled use of antiviral medicines is not only a senseless, but also a dangerous undertaking. Do not forget, any tablet - even small, but still a blow to your liver (it clears the body of "chemistry"). You will be zealous with drugs - you risk putting it out of action.

By the way, immunomodulators (tablets and potions for strengthening the body's defenses) are also not as harmless as it seems. Now only the lazy do not drink them all year round for the prevention and treatment of colds. In such volumes, medicines become dangerous: they can "break" the human immune system. Doctors say that in recent years, the number of autoimmune diseases (in which the body produces bodies that destroy healthy tissues) has increased at times. And this is partly to blame immunomodulators.

Antibiotics do not work . You have a date tomorrow, an important conversation with the boss, an airplane to the Maldives (underscore), and suddenly a swelling cold threatens to put a cross on your plans. No wonder you decided on an extreme measure - antibiotics. Not the most useful, but the killer tablet will certainly put you on your feet! This is a monstrous mistake. Antibiotics are directed against bacteria, they treat sore throat, pneumonia, sinusitis, but not ARVI, because this is a viral disease. You can eat at least a ton of pills, but your cold will not go anywhere. In this case, the antibiotic will act like a tractor, indiscriminately killing all the beneficial bacteria that live in your body. And this is fraught with dysbiosis.

Having decided to undergo an antibiotic treatment, think about the fact that bacteria, like cockroaches, are very tenacious: they gradually get used to the poison, mutate, mutate and eventually stop responding to it. Therefore, do not once again feed your body slaughtered pills. Otherwise, when you really need antibiotic treatment, they will not work.

Do not knock the temperature down with aspirin. Another common mistake related to the treatment of ARI is a maniacal desire to bring down the temperature. Of course, the heat is not the most pleasant thing that happened to you in life, however, while the column on the thermometer does not exceed 38.5º C , it should be tolerated . Covered with sweat, the forehead is a sign that the body has mobilized its defenses and in every way tries to destroy viruses that die precisely at high temperatures. If you reduce it, you will feel a temporary improvement, but in fact you will prolong the course of the disease, because the undershot "infection" will still live in your body.

If the temperature is still too high (39 ° C or more), it must be knocked down, but not by any means aspirin. Remember once and for all: doctors worldwide prescribe acetylsalicylic acid for the dilution of blood, and only in Russia it is taken as an antipyretic. Apparently, this habit has remained with us since Soviet times, when it was impossible to find anything in the pharmacies, except zelenka and aspirin. The latter, by the way, if you overdo it with a dose, can cause internal bleeding.

Powders cause vomiting. Soluble powders with the taste of raspberries, apples, honey and lemon - here it is, a panacea for ARVI! I drank three sachets - and you feel wonderful. You can go back to your usual business: go to work, run to the shops and meet your girlfriends in a cafe. Remember, the feeling of full recovery is deceptive. Such remedies only relieve symptoms: paracetamol, which is part of their composition, lowers the temperature, phenylephrine eliminates nasal congestion, and phenyramin - pain and aches in the joints.

However, the powder itself does not affect the virus itself. They are good for emergency cases, when you need to come to yourself for a couple of hours and be in shape: for example, if you urgently summoned the boss, you need to meet your mother from the train or take the child out of the kindergarten. But they can not be treated. First, by eliminating symptoms, these drugs deprive the body of the ability to fight viruses on its own. Secondly, you will drink more on a bag - and you can get an unpleasant bouquet of side effects: allergies, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, increased pressure and urinary retention.

The drops are dried mucous. The stuffy nose, perhaps, is the most unpleasant symptom of ARVI. Nobody wants to toss and turn without sleep, unable to breathe, catching air with mouth and gundosit, so the colds heavily abuse vasoconstrictive drops. And in vain. Runny nose, like the temperature, is a protective reaction: together with the unpleasant mucus flowing from the nose, our body is freed from viruses. And drops stop this process. However, this is not the only danger. There is a great risk of getting used to such drugs. If this happens, you have a good chance of getting a chronic cold. And the abuse of vasoconstrictor means is fraught with atrophy of the nasal mucosa. Drops overdry it and thereby reduce protective functions. Having been exasperated by the infection that is currently tormenting you, you immediately pick up a new virus: they are known to be transmitted by airborne droplets. If you do not want to get sick all year round, do not get carried away by drops.

Do not listen to my grandmother.

You are deeply mistaken if you think that herbal inhalations, mustard, tea with honey and other folk methods for treating ARVI, in contrast to tablets, are absolutely safe, because they contain some herbal ingredients and a gram of "chemistry". Grandmother's recipes can also worsen the course of the disease.

Do not drink alcohol. Do not listen to your beloved, who exhorts you: "Sweetheart, a pile of vodka with pepper or a glass of hot mulled wine is the best remedy for a cold!" Certainly, to some people a small amount of alcohol helps to cope with the disease. Still, alcohol has a disinfecting, antiseptic effect. But this does not mean that the medicine with a degree will suit you. Not only does the alcoholic beverage weaken immunity, alcohol still does not have the best effect on the sore throat: it irritates the mucous, which means that you are guaranteed a cough after a pile of vodka!

But if you do not have a febrifuge at hand, you can dilute the vodka in half with water and wipe the body with this solution. After the procedure, the vessels will expand and the blood flow will increase - heat transfer will increase. So, you will break down the temperature.

Forget about the milk. Three mugs of hot milk with honey and four cups of tea with raspberry jam - the body was covered with perspiration, the stomach is heavy, but you are happy, like a boa: "Tomorrow I'll be fine! Drinking plenty helps to cope with the disease, because toxins that poison the body come out of the body with sweat and urine! "You would hardly have tortured yourself this way if you knew that burning drinks further injure the sore throat.

Drinking should be warm, but not hot. In addition, many people in the body lacks an enzyme responsible for the processing of milk. If you treat them, do not hesitate, as a bonus to ARVI you will get indigestion and diarrhea. As for honey and jam, they are not as good as they seem. A large amount of sweet provokes a sharp release of insulin into the blood, which inevitably follows, as doctors say, a failure. It is characterized by drowsiness and a decline in strength. And these symptoms against the background of a raging illness will only worsen the state of health.

To get better as quickly as possible, you need to drink plenty of warm, still water. The average amount of fluid needed per day for a healthy person is calculated based on the body weight - 30 ml per kilogram. It turns out that a woman weighing about 70 kg requires 2 liters per day. If it is unhealthy, 500 ml should be added.

Do not sweat. To some ill comrades it seems that the monstrously hot sweet drinks are not enough. To heal at a phenomenal speed, they act quite radically: after drinking scorching milk, they immediately put on woolen socks, sweaters and wrap themselves in rugs. Fans to cover with perspiration are guided by the rule: the more you perspire, the sooner you will stand on your feet. On the one hand, this is a true assumption, but on the other hand, the processes of heat transfer that are wrapped up in a "cocoon" are violated. And this contributes to a sharp deterioration of well-being, down to loss of consciousness! So you do not have to dress like the North Pole. When the body temperature rises, everything must be done so that the body can lose heat: clothes should be free and easy.

And it should be as often as possible to ventilate the room to clear it of "own" viruses. The optimum temperature in the room is 20-22 ° C.

Treatment by rules

Sit at home for three days. You will not be completely cured of ARVI in less than a week. If you can not afford to spend all this time at home in bed, try at least not to go out for the first three days. This period is considered the peak of the disease, when the body is particularly weak, because all its forces go to fight the virus.

You will rush around the streets - you risk making a bouquet of complications . Shoot the temperature with paracetamol. You can lower the temperature too high with paracetamol or with preparations based on it. Unlike aspirin, it does not dilute blood.

Call the doctor. Only a doctor can determine which virus caused your disease, and pick up the right drug, which will quickly put on your feet. Without a prescription, you can only take liquid interferon, after diluting it in water. For the body, it is safer than other antiviral agents.

Do inhalations. On the 3-5th day after the onset of the disease, proceed to steam inhalations that facilitate coughing and spitting out of the sputum. Alternate eucalyptus and soda: the first well loosen mucus, the second - soften the throat, writes Newsland.

Drip in the nose. To eliminate the stuffiness of the nose you will be helped by oil-based drops, which unlike others do not dry the mucous membrane. The ideal option is to alternate such drugs with absolutely safe and non-addictive salt solutions.

Eat foods with vitamins. Take vitamin C, not exceeding the daily dose - 60-70 mg. By the way, it is more useful to get ascorbic not from tablets, but from foods: freshly squeezed juices diluted with water (1 glass a day), sauerkraut (400 g), bell pepper (1 large fruit).