Psychological techniques - different

How to reduce the stomach?

Two exercises on how to reduce the abdomen. Exercises are simple, performed for a few minutes, preferably in the morning before breakfast.

Rubric: Other subjects

Why can not you tell others about your abilities and ideas?

Rubric: Other subjects

Man and woman: historical background of relations

Rubric: Other subjects

Information and we

Since the Nativity of Christ to 1500, there has been a doubling in the world of information. What do you think, for what period of time is the information doubling now?

Rubric: Other subjects

When is it better to get up?

Previously discussed the question "when it is better to go to bed?" And when is it better to get up? The answer is very simple. Get up better when everything rises, in other words, at sunrise!

Rubric: Other subjects

Morning shower

Oleg Gadetsky on the need to take a morning shower.

At night, the body is freed from toxins. Purification occurs through different channels, one of which is the skin. Physiologists are well aware that, until about 9 o'clock in the morning, the body secretes waste substances through the skin, and after 9 starts to suck the substances necessary for life. Therefore, if a person is not washed before 9 am, then the situation is "I carry everything with me." In other words, the slag worked out by the body is again absorbed into the body.

If you feel a decline of strength, then the output is simple - take a cold shower. It can be taken as after a warm, or independently. If you come from work and feel tired, then a cold shower will be the best remedy!

Take a morning shower and be healthy!

Rubric: Other subjects

The complex of the younger brother

Do you know that all the revolutionaries (revolutionaries) were younger in families?

The younger brothers (sisters), due to the structure of education, have a "matrix of destructive vibrations". Reflections of Konstantin Bordunos on the "complex of the younger brother." And if you are the director of a company, and you need to remove, for example, a senior accountant, then you will learn the elegant technology how to do it.

The name of the movie that is mentioned in the video is "Good, Bad, Evil" directed by Sergio Leone.

Rubric: Other subjects

About the harm of meat

Oleg Gadetsky on the dangers of meat for the body.

Meat brings harm to the body. And that's why. Meat is difficult and long digested. And as you move in the intestine of a person (whose length is about 10 meters), its decomposition takes place. And the slag first cover the walls of the intestine, and then absorbed into the blood and contaminate the entire body, causing it harm. And it is not in vain in almost all systems of cleaning the body that it is recommended first to clean the small and large intestines.

By the way, in animals that eat meat, the length of the intestine is about three times shorter than that of a human. And after the nutrients are absorbed from the meat, it is thrown away. In other words, meat in the body of predators does not stay long, and it does not have time to decompose into poisonous components, harming the body.

Rubric: Other subjects

Mother's complex

Konstantin Bordunos about the mother complex.

If the mother does not pay attention to the good behavior of the child, and reacts to the bad (two in mathematics, the behavior is unsuccessful ...), the child develops the habit of calling the attention of parents (in particular the mother) through negative actions. Another option is also possible, when the child calls the mother's attention with the help of a disease. This happens when, during a child's illness, the mother takes care and love to him. And when the child is healthy, then there are no such manifestations. Morality is very simple. Parents need to reinforce the words and actions of the health and good behavior of their children, rather than their illnesses and misdemeanors.

Under the maternal complex is the search for the child's attention and love of his mother.

Rubric: Other subjects

When is it better to go to bed?

What is the best time to go to bed? This question is asked by many people. After all, the daily working capacity of a person, especially the mental one, depends on the quality of sleep. If you slept badly, then the brains, as a rule, do not "brew".

Physiologists are well aware that the organs and systems of the body rest at night. In other words, at first some organs and systems slow down their vital activity as much as possible while others are more active. Then, on the contrary, that is, those that were in "hibernation" are activated a little, and others are slowed down. It is clear that if all bodies immediately "left" for rest, then the person himself would go there, that is, at rest (eternal rest).

And the central nervous system rests from 22 to 24 hours. Therefore, the optimal time to go to bed is the time to 22 hours. In other words, the later (since 22-00) you went to bed, the more you stole from your health! And the division of people into "owls" and "larks" is nothing more than prejudices and habits.

Rubric: Other themes

How to make compliments?

Compliment to a woman. It is necessary to stand out from those people who make compliments to a woman, that is, one must be original. Therefore, first of all, it makes sense for a man to praise something that a woman does not have and can not be. This is the mind. Then we praise our eyes and look. And here you need a vocabulary. And the most important moment at this stage is to emphasize that you have not seen such eyes and eyes with other women, that they are different than others. Then praise your face, figure, chest.

When you compliment a woman, the sequence of praise is as follows: 1) Mind, 2) Eyes, look, 3) Face, 4) Figure, 5) Chest

Compliment to a man. How to compliment a man? The first thing to praise is that men are inherently inherent, of course, this is the mind. Then praise physical strength. It's good to use situational praise. For example, ask to open a bottle of soda water, and then exclaim: "Wow, what a strong man you are!". Well, do not forget about his toys (cars, mobile phones ...). And here we can emphasize that they are not such (better, steeper ...) than others.

The sequence of the compliment is as follows: 1) Mind, 2) Physical strength, 3) Toys

Rubric: Other subjects

Who is your best friend for you?

Continuation of the theme of the importance of problems in human life. Who is the best friend for a person? The best friend on this planet for you is someone who has managed to create the maximum number of problems for you in a unit of time. Regardless of which side it is on, yours or your opponent.

Rubric: Miscellaneous topics, Techniques for developing abilities

The problem is the source of growth

Do you want to grow as a person? Create problems for yourself!

Rubric: Miscellaneous topics, Techniques for developing abilities

Seduction of girls

Sergei Gorin on two ways of seducing women.

Since ancient times people have tried to find universal patterns of seduction of people of the opposite sex. True, a long time ago this issue was solved quite easily. Djigit chose the person he liked, planted it on a horse (previously tucked into a sack), and took away somewhere, for example, into a cave. Since then, about 30% of women, in erotic fantasies there are elements of violence, quite powerful and permanent.

At the moment, Sergei Gorin singles out two universal templates for seducing women. The first is the creation of romance. The second is the technique of the Lieutenant Rzhevsky: "Madam, can you do it in advance? -But for such it is possible and on a muzzle? -May also on the muzzle, but it is possible and vperdolit. It is clear that the profanity here is not at anything, but the main role is played by sincerity and openness of intention. If this woman is given in full, then she, as a rule, agrees ...

Rubric: Other subjects

Method of manipulation

Suppose such a situation ... A person receives a certain number of letters, let there be eight. Each letter contains a prediction, which is then fully realized. And then comes the ninth letter, which contains a seemingly advantageous proposal. A person accepts this offer, and ... "his money was crying". What is the structure of this manipulation? However, everything is quite simple.

Suppose that an "expert" sends out forecasts for a change in the company's share price. The group of its "clients" is divided into two equal parts. The first group sends letters with the forecast that the shares of company "X" will grow in the next month. The second group sends letters with the forecast that the shares of the company "X" will fall. And then came the next month, and shares of the company "X" fell. The first group of people of our "expert" ceases to interest. The second group he divides into two equal parts ...

Rubric: Other subjects

Men and women

Oleg Gadetsky about men and women. A lot of various books are written about the relationship between men and women. But only in most of them does not take into account the conflict, which was originally laid between the male and female nature. And only understanding the differences between men and women can learn how to build a harmonious relationship among themselves.

Rubric: Other subjects

How to grow a child prodigy?

The question "How to grow up a child prodigy?" Is asked by many parents. In the "Gymnastics of the brain" psychologist Tatyana Troitskaya mentioned that the child grew up as an intellectually developed person, he must crawl a lot in childhood.

Ivan Poloneychik develops this topic and names two factors that must be observed during the upbringing of children, so that they grow up to be successful people.

Rubric: Miscellaneous topics, Techniques for developing abilities

Ability of man

About what kind of superhuman abilities a person has, and what kind of them the author himself can model, Kovalev S.V.

Rubric: Other subjects

How to draw a glance?

Do you want to draw the look of the person you liked (in the terminology of Vadim Shlahter "creatures"), and make him come to you? Or do you need to "alienate" someone whom "your eyes would never see"? Or do you want to conduct erotic psycho-programming with your other person's gaze? In the short video "How to draw a glance?" You will learn about simple, and yet working techniques that allow you to do everything described above ...

Rubric: Other themes

Volley gymnastics

Complex volitional gymnastics Vadim Shlahter. Volley gymnastics allows you to pump the muscles of the body without using third-party objects. It was this type of gymnastics that was used by the super-terrorist of the 20th century Grigory Kotovsky, serving another prison term during the reign of the tsarist regime ...

Rubric: Other themes

Folk wisdom or why we live badly ...

All of us since childhood have been under the zombifying influence of folk wisdom: proverbs, sayings and fairy tales. We were taught that folk wisdom is an unconditional truth. About what really lurks behind the "wisdom" of the people, and what consequences this leads see in a short video of Vadim Shlahter.

Rubric: Other subjects

Awakening from sleep and restoring vital activity

Nikolay Sherstennikov shows a set of simple exercises that can be easily done individually, lasting 5-10 minutes. Doing them right after the morning awakening allows you to feel all day, smoothly, comfortably, calmly. And most importantly, stay in a high tone, and experience a state of quiet inner joy. This is a very effective way of awakening and restoring vital activity. This complex of exercises is well combined with the performance of meditation "the state of synchronism of the three minds."

Rubric: Other subjects

How to cure the disease?

In a short video fragment Alexander Sviyash shares ancient Indian practice, which allows you to cure any disease ...

Rubric: Other subjects

The Triune Brain

There is such an almost scientific story that the human brain consists of three parts that evolved evolutionarily, as if layering one upon another. The first brain is reptilian. This is the oldest, simplest and most primitive. It operates on the principle of stimulus-reaction. From the outside world, stimuli come in (something is seen, heard, some objects or objects have a mechanical effect ...), and the brain has prepared reaction templates. There are only three reactions: to attack, to flee or to stop (pretend to be dead). The brain acts quickly and first (for the case, if there are other parts of the brain). Reptiles have only this kind of brain, and if the reptile has seen a potential enemy, then it either attacks or pretends to be dead or runs away. In another way, she does not know how to act, and, it can be assumed that she does not live by herself.

The second brain is the brain of a mammal, or the so-called limbic system. It is a younger and more complex part of the brain. If reflexes and instincts live in the brain of a reptile, then emotions live in the brain of a mammal. Emotions allow you to diversify the response to different stimuli. This brain works by the principle of similarity. For example, a child was bitten by a dog, he was frightened and felt pain. The next time a child sees a dog, he will feel a sense of fear. In his brain settled association: "dog - pain."

The third, youngest part of the brain is the neocortex or a new area of ​​the cerebral cortex. It is due to the presence of this part that man differs from animals. Neocortex is responsible for rational thinking, logic, analysis, revealing patterns, differences, etc. Let's return to the previous example with a dog. If the limbic system at the sight of the dog immediately triggers a sense of fear, then the neocortex will connect the analysis: if then the dog was big and angry, with foam at the mouth, now a small "shavka", the size of a soccer ball that only thinks that no one I did not kick my foot. And the brain decides that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The reptilian brain and limbic system form the unconscious person, and the neocortex is the consciousness. In the event of an extreme situation, the first takes control of the reptilian brain, if this brain thinks that the situation is unworthy of his attention, then the brain of the mammal is connected and only then the neocortex. And the more involved the "downstream" brain, the more severely disabled "higher". With a strong activation of the brain reptiles, the brain of the mammal and the new cortex will be turned off. When the limbic system is activated, the neocortex is turned off. That is why with strong emotions it is so difficult to make meaningful actions. The state of affect occurs when the brain of a mammal is fully utilized. All three brains are aimed at human survival. But only the concept of survival of each his own. And the more differences in these concepts, the more problems a person has. For example, the limbic system believes that in a certain situation it is necessary to do so, and the neocortex believes that it is necessary to act quite differently. And when in an extreme situation the brain of a mammal takes the reins of control (and the new cortex is turned off at that time), then after the situation has taken place, and the neocortex analyzing the situation understands that the person did wrong (he had a different opinion of how to behave ) And there are problems. Actually, the task of psychological practice is reduced to the fact that the "concepts" of the limbic system and the neocortex are identical. And as for the reptilian brain, it works well on algorithms that have been worked out over millions of years, and can hardly be changed.

Rubric: Other subjects