Eyelash extension at home

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Every real woman dreams of beautiful expressive eyes, deep and shining, like a night sea in the light of stars.

And eyelashes, by all means, should be dense, long and fluffy.

And if there are no such eyelashes by nature, then no matter how much you paint them with durable mascara, no matter how you twist - the effect of the "butterfly kiss" will not achieve.

But progress as such, and even in the field of cosmetology, does not stand still.

To solve the problem of thin and rare eyelashes, Hollywood minds have created a simple technique for increasing eyelashes.

Eyelash extension
Eyelash extension +38(093)912-9539 (Kyiv, Zolotonosha) Eyelash extension
Eyelash extension
We all know that it is the eyelashes that make our eyes expressive . Together with the shape of the eyebrows, the length, thickness and direction of the eyelashes, will make a miracle and make your face attractive. All cosmetic manufacturers of mascara make a bet on the length and volume. Also inventing carcasses, twirling eyelashes. But we are often upset, discovering that the use of these carcasses does not make our eyelashes the same as for girls in advertising. In fact, if you increase eyelashes, they will look exactly like in advertising, and without any carcass. Sedentary technology of eyelash extensions This became possible, thanks to the natural eyelashes created using special technologies. Each artificial cilium is glued to yours. The work is quite painstaking and long (2-3 hours), but the result is worth it . The eyelashes are very natural. The places of gluing are not visible. Your interlocutors will be fascinated to look at you, not understanding what happened to you: something seems to be wrong, but no trace is visible.
Artificial eyelashes almost do not differ from ours. Unless, they are longer and more black. These eyelashes are sorted by size, and the wizard will prompt you to choose the desired length. Skillfully alternating the length of the eyelashes, you can achieve a stunning effect, for example, "fox" look (this is when at the outer corner of the eye, longer eyelashes build up - the angle of the eye at the same time rises to the top). And yet, eyelashes have a natural bend and, even if you have straight eyelashes by nature, the result of the buildup will be the eyelashes bent to the top, which will give greater expressiveness and openness to your eyes. Such eyelashes are kept from 1.5 to 3 months. They fall with their eyelashes. You in fact know, that a cycle of a life of our eyelashes 2-4 months. Before our eyes, young growing cilia are neighbors with old ones, which may soon fall out.
If you want to go with prolonged eyelashes for a long time , it makes sense after 2 weeks to make a planned correction. Then you can go with eyelashes for up to six months. Since all the same own eyelashes are loaded, it makes sense to feed roots with special oils. Care for eyelashes is simple. With them you can actively engage in sports, go to the sea, go to the sauna. To remove or take out cosmetics also it is necessary accurately molochkom for putting off or taking out of a make up. Although, it should be noted that the normally extended eyelashes do not require additional piping. Eyelash extensions - that's why every woman will feel confident in her beauty at any time of the day and in any situation: sleepy, at work, on vacation, at the seaside, in the pool, at the fitness center, at a party and on a date!

What is this procedure?

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Наращивание ресниц

Eyelash extensions - this is attaching a few glitches of artificial eyelashes to the base of your own eyelashes with special glue. This procedure is carried out only in the salon and only by a highly professional craftsman, in order to avoid the sad consequences.

Eyelashes are divided into:

  • - short, medium, long;
  • - black and brown;
  • - from natural and artificial fibers.

The specialist selects the length of eyelashes for each individual, depending on the condition of your own eyelashes, on the shape of the eyes, on your preferences and situation (you gathered for a party or just a boss decided to build eyes).

In the evening version, longer eyelashes are preferred, creating the image of "kinodivy." In the light of the soffits, surrounded by heated men, you look like a goddess ... well, why not dream. With the usual option, eyelashes increase in average length and only at the edges are more authentic.

But, despite such restraint, you will look great and perfectly natural, every time, flapping fluffy eyelashes in response to the angry tirade of the boss.

Which eyelashes to give preference - natural or artificial?

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Here you need to prioritize. What is more important for you: price or quality / health?

Natural eyelashes are more expensive, but when using artificial nylon fibers, when a hair enters the eye, there is a risk of allergies.

Eyelashes are attached to the eyelid by special glue based on rubber.

The adhesive can be transparent or black. When applying black glue, the appearance of the liner is created.

The technology of eyelash extensions consists of several stages

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  • 1. Make-up is removed from the eyes. Then the base of the eyelashes is degreased by a special remedy.
  • 2. Then the master selects the cilia suitable for the length, which are collected in bundles of 3-7 hairs and begins to be glued.
  • 3. You close your eyes, and in anticipation of the beauty of the unearthly, do not open them for an hour.
  • 4. And at this time the master, with his clever, experienced fingers, takes tweezers, and, from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones, glues one beam at a time. Eyelashes are glued in separate tufts, rather than a continuous fence, in order to look natural. For eyelashes, "every day," 3-5 beams are sufficient. For a solemn event, you can afford up to 13 beams per eyelid. The procedure is absolutely painless.
  • 5. After the last bunch takes its rightful place, you can finally pat your gorgeous eyelashes.

If you follow the simple rules, you can go with extended eyelashes for about 2 weeks.

After the lapse of time, the eyelashes will begin to peel off themselves. But do not be afraid that they suddenly suddenly drop everything at the most inopportune moment.

The process of falling out is gradual and invisible to the outside eye. If you madly do not want to part with the beloved cilia, then you can make a correction. You just replace the dropped beams with new ones.

Also, eyelashes can be removed at any time either in the salon or at home. In the cabin, this is done by a special dissolving liquid. If you decide to remove the eyelashes by yourself, then apply on the eyelid quality olive oil and leave for the night. By the morning, eyelashes easily peel off.

As in any case, with eyelash extensions, there are positive and negative sides. How important they are is for you to decide.

Advantages of extended eyelashes

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  • - the look becomes irresistible, the eyes are beautiful, and the lashes are long and thick;
  • - There is no need to apply mascara every morning, and then to wash off in the evenings, tk. They look expressive without paint;
  • - if you suddenly decide to "utter" a tear, or just decide to swim in the pool, then do not worry about the leaking carcass;
  • - do not curl your eyelashes; They are already slightly twisted;
  • - There are no medical contraindications for carrying out this procedure, except for cases in which there is an individual intolerance to the composition of the glue;
  • - since they are not pasted on the hairs, but on the eyelid, there is no risk of remaining without their own eyelashes;
  • - among other things, eyelashes allow you to visually change the shape of the eyes. For example, too narrow eyes will appear wider, and too round eyes - more elongated, if you choose the right length of hairs.

Disadvantages and disadvantages

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  • - carriers of contact lenses eyelashes will serve a shorter period.
  • - If you constantly fiddle your eyelids while dressing or removing the lenses, then the lashes will fly away very quickly. The most basic rule is to touch your eyelids and eyelids less;
  • - When washing the eye, you can not rub it, but only gently cleaned with a degreased lotion or milk;
  • - You can not use fatty creams, oils for eyelids and eyelashes;
  • - You need to sleep carefully, experts do not advise to lie face down and rub against the pillow. These "sissies" of such mockery can not stand;
  • - If you have oily skin around the eyes, then it is often necessary to remove the fat with lotion, so that the eyelashes do not come loose before the time;
  • - sometimes funny situations occur. For example, one of my acquaintances, enlarged her long eyelashes and, with a strong gust of wind, she thought she had sails instead of eyelashes that swelled and carried her into vast expanses. So, do not forget about the sense of proportion;
  • - after you still part with the artificial eyelashes, your family may seem very "unusual and meager" with unaccustomed.

And finally, if you decide to make yourself a little holiday, or conquer all men in the neighborhood with your stunning look, and in closer association - the secret of the "butterfly's kiss," then go only to a proven high-class salon. And then - flap your eyelashes, and take off ...

Eyelash extension
Eyelash extension +38(093)912-9539 (Kyiv, Zolotonosha) Eyelash extension
Eyelash extension

Frequently Asked Questions About Eyelash Extensions

Q: Is it possible to increase eyelashes if I wear lenses?

A: Of course you can. There is no medical contraindication to this. The main thing is that at the time of building or correcting you were without lenses. And then, please, wear it to your health.

Q: Do artificial eyelashes dye?

A: If there is a great desire, you can also make up, of course. Only in this there is no need. The experience of our clients shows that the extended eyelashes look very bright and expressive. And then, every day, taking off the paint from them, you are greatly at risk of shortening their lives.

Q: How are eyelashes extensible?

A: Removal of accrued eyelashes is carried out by a specialist, in the conditions of the salon for 40-50 minutes. For this purpose, a special agent is used that will dissolve the glue and remove the lengthened eyelashes without damaging your natural cilia.

Q: Can artificial eyelashes cause allergies?

A: If they can, then in very rare cases. To do this, you should have an individual intolerance to the glue, or to its components. Of course, every glue of this type is dermatologically tested before use, so the likelihood of allergies is extremely low.

Q: Is it necessary to do correction of "eyelash extension"?

A: If you apply eyelashes correctly, they can last up to 3 months, depending on the cycle of growth of the natural eyelashes of the client and the experience of the specialist who conducts this procedure. Correction is that the newly grown "young" eyelashes are newly built up other cilia. Most clients prefer to do a correction every 2-4 weeks.

Q: Are there any recommendations and limitations in the care of such eyelashes?

A: If you want the eyelashes to serve you "with faith and truth", keep the following recommendations:

  • Do not rub your eyes.
  • Be careful with your eyelashes.
  • Do not wash your eyes for 24 hours after eyelash extensions.
  • Avoid using oil based carcasses. It is better to use specially designed mascara and apply it only to the tips of the eyelashes.
  • Comb the eyelashes from the base to the tips with a special brush.