When you turn pink, blush or Burning

You become a deep-red when angry, at a loss, feeling guilty or are experiencing some other strong emotion? This psychological paint is usually limited to the head and neck and lasts a relatively short time. It happens when the tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the skin surface, which are controlled by the nervous system, increases in response to an emotional stimulus. When the stimulus passes these capillaries return to normal and the skin takes the usual connotation. Redness - the usual phenomenon, and it is nothing to worry about. Indeed, the only major drawback that you blush easily, is the inability to tell a lie, even a little, because your face beet immediately will give you. In some people, a small dose of beta-blocker just before the expected reddening can reduce it.

Redness of limited duration, and again a localized only on the face and neck and occurs in menopausal women - the so-called "hot flashes." In contrast to the emotional colors, they come without any provocation at any time of the day or night and are a result of the decrease in estrogen levels.

If you have a fever, your face is red. Not only do you feel that burn, but look so. This is because the skin capillaries expanded, allowing the body to remove excess heat through the skin. People with elevated thyroid function can also look a little red because of their biological motor rotates too fast, it's too hot, to which the capillaries are adapting by expanding.

The capillaries may remain chronically dilated and make your face is constantly red. A classic example - an alcoholic, whose red face and nose - a sign of strong drink. There are other diseases and medications that can give the same picture. For example, a sip of alcohol can cause the paint on the face of the person who is not an alcoholic, but simply can not tolerate alcohol. Some of these people quietly sucking spirits all his life and then one day, for no reason, find that only a glass of wine or a cocktail gives a strong, unpleasant paint. Also, a reddening of the skin characteristic of diabetic patients taking sugar lowering medication diabenazu.

Other substances give a similar effect. Niacin - one of the safest and most effective drugs to lower cholesterol levels, but it will give you a strong redness of the whole body, and burning sensation. Steroid hormones are also expanding capillaries and causing redness of the face.

Two tumors in particular can cause the paint clear. One - Hodgkin's disease, malignant limfogranulomatoz. When patients with this disorder are drinking alcohol, their skin becomes red and sore glands. Carcinoid tumor secretes hormones lung or intestine, also causes dilation of the capillaries. When there is no other reason for the sudden, unexplained redness, should be treated Hodgkin's disease and carcinoid.

There are several other important disorders in which the paint is very prominent symptom. When the lungs are damaged by chronic disease, the body compensates for the lack of oxygen arising through increased formation of red blood cells. This explains the reddish, glowing appearance, so often seen in people with chronic bronchitis or emphysema. Chronic lack of oxygen for any reason will overabundance of red blood cells, and hence, the reddish color of the skin. Redness is also manifested in the blood disease called polycythemia vera, in which the bone marrow to the increase in the number of red blood cells. Thicken so blood flows more slowly through the capillaries, and gives the red color.

Here is how you can determine the cause of your paint.

If your menstrual period begin to diminish and you have seizures, in which you feel you hot and you blush - the onset of menopause.

If you are taking a new and effective vitamin and notice that your face looks red, check the tablet. More likely it is that it contains nicotinic acid (niacin). Or do you take something that reduces cholesterol, and started to blush scary - it's probably niacin.

If your face is glowing after drinking and you feel pain under the arm or in the neck, look for tumors or swelling. You can have Hodgkin's disease.

If you are diabetic, taking pills to lower blood sugar, and noticed that a sip or two of alcohol do you have red, the result of the interaction between alcohol and anti-diabetic pill.

If you like to drink and have always been able to do it, but now friends are telling you that, according to the person you are "overloads" (and the last time you sat in the sun six months ago), - drinking gives you the redness of the face. If you stop it, or dramatically reduce, the redness does not necessarily take place, because the capillaries may be expanded permanently, but at least it does not increase.

Your face is glowing; eyes slightly bulged; you are nervous and worried; Small hands are shaking, as well as the language, when you draw out it; you lose weight. Cause? You have an increased activity of the thyroid gland. These symptoms, except for the protruding eye will be the treatment of disease.

You suddenly started diarrhea without explainable reason, you hard, breathing hoarsely. To top it off, your face glowing at times, even when you're not worried. These three symptoms: facial flushing, diarrhea and labored breathing hoarse characteristic of carcinoid tumor that releases into the bloodstream a substance called serotonin.

What is it? On the back of the neck you have the hill; you notice some reddish-blue stripes on the abdomen; blood pressure suddenly jumped; your body ozhirelo, but thin arms and legs; if you're a woman, perhaps the most discouraging observation - mustache on the upper lip; Men and women are equally characterized by redness of the face. If you have any combination of the above, the bet on Cushing's syndrome: your body forms too much cortisone. But the same thing happens if you take a long time cortisone tablets.

Symptom: redness

What can he mean? What to do with him?
The normal response to embarrassment or anger. If this worries you can take a beta-blocker.
"Hot Tide": climax. Introduction of estrogens.
Temperature. Reduce it.
Increased thyroid function. Medications, surgery or radioactive iodine.
Alcoholism. Moderation.
Sensitivity to alcohol. Avoid it.
Drugs (diabetes, steroids, niacin). Change or quit.
Carcinoid tumors, or Hodgkin's disease. The corresponding operation.
Chronic lack of oxygen. Appropriate treatment.
Polycythemia vera. Medical treatment.
Cushing's Syndrome. Surgery or medications.