Absence of bleeding from the vagina

What about the other side of the coin - when the vaginal bleeding is very small or not at all? Suppose you are at an age when most girls start menstruating - from 12 to 14 years or so. All your girlfriends have had menstruation, but not you. Do not worry. Many perfectly healthy women start menstruating late. But if you are already 15, here are the possible reasons for the delay.

Considering how early these days many begin to have sex life, remember that a girl can get pregnant just before her first menstrual period. This will stop bleeding for the next nine months. The more likely cause is a continuous hymen , without a hole, so that the blood can not come out. There are other congenital pathologies that can prevent the exit of the menstrual fluid, for example a significant cervical contraction , a double uterus or no uterus in general. The cause may be some hormonal disorders .

In adult women who menstruated all the time normally, scanty months or their absence is quite another matter. If you have a delay in menstruation, the most likely cause is always obvious - pregnancy , even if you took all the necessary precautions or thought that it was too old for that. There is always a small probability of failure in any method of birth control.

Diseases and disorders that are not directly related to menstruation can also reduce or stop them. Sharp weight loss due to very poor nutrition, inevitable (due to poverty), deliberate (zigzag diets) or as a result of mental illness (loss of appetite and wolfish appetite in young women) causes an imbalance of hormones that blocks the menstrual cycle. Excessively active thyroid gland will also reduce the incidence of vaginal bleeding. There are some glandular tumors (especially the adrenal glands or pituitary gland) that cause increased formation of testosterone, the male sex hormone, and lead to "masculinity" of women. They start to grow hair on a male type, and, in addition, they stop menstruating.

The world is now subject to physical activity . Women nowadays participate in almost every sport with the same fullness, purposefulness and brilliance that men do. The price they often pay for this is the end of the monthly cycles. Reducing fat in the body of female athletes is accompanied by a corresponding drop in the level of estrogen in the blood. All this is reversible, however, and it even seems that physical activity protects against certain cancers. Here are a few additional situations in which menstruation is absent or diminished.

If you have recently experienced a crisis - the death of a loved one, a love break, loss of work, - an emotional reaction can affect the level of your hormones, and you miss menstruation or two. If this happens more than three times, be surveyed to exclude other possibilities.

If the normal menstrual period does not resume after the birth , the pituitary gland in your brain may have been damaged.

If you had a curettage with excess bleeding and your menstruation did not resume, scraping could have caused the formation of scar tissue that interferes with normal menstruation.

A brain tumor can give severe headaches or visual impairment - and the cessation of menstruation.

Have your breasts diminished since the menstruation stopped? You lose hair on the pubic, but they began to grow on the face, arms, legs and torso? You definitely have a systemic disorder that affects the glands that release hormones . The precise definition of the affected gland requires a complex examination. However, your doctor will approach the diagnosis with certain observations. For example, reducing the pigmentation of your skin, especially if it is accompanied by the discharge of milk from the nipples, will indicate a decreased function of the pituitary gland. On the other hand, increased pigmentation of the skin reflects a reduced work of the adrenal glands.

If you become nervous, irritable, impetuous, do not suffer heat and sweat, a problem in the increased function of the thyroid gland .

If you have purple stripes on your skin, easily earn bruises, think about Cushing's syndrome , excessive formation of steroids by the adrenal glands or excessive consumption of such hormones in the form of tablets or injections.

Finally, the simplest: if your menstrual period is less or less, you have hot flushes and you are under 50, think about menopause . Menopause and pregnancy are the two most common causes of the reduction or absence of vaginal bleeding.

Symptom: decrease or absence of normal menstruation

What can it mean? What to do with him?
Normal delay of the beginning - at the age of 14 years. Patience.
Pregnancy. Confirmation from the doctor and consultation.
Continuous hymen. Surgical correction.
Congenital defects in the structure of the reproductive system. Surgical correction.
Sharp weight reduction. Appropriate diet.
Tumors of the glands of internal secretion. Operation or medicine.
Vigorous exercise. Reversible.
Emotional stress. If the disorder is a monthly long, treatment to rule out other causes.
Damage to the pituitary gland in the brain after pregnancy. Hormonal therapy.
The formation of scar tissue in the uterus after scraping. It is difficult to restore; Pathology can stay.
A brain tumor. Appropriate treatment.
Disorders of endocrine glands. Substitution of hormones.
Increased activity of the thyroid gland. Drugs, surgery or radiation.
Cushing's syndrome. Operation or medicine.
Menopause. Everything is okay.